On 29 Apr 2013, at 17:38, Roger Clough wrote:

How can matter (the universe) be a thought in the mind of a cosmic intelligence ?

How can matter be a thought ? That is because matter is at the base
entirely mathematical, as quantum physics suggests.


Idealism in science: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idealism

The metaphysics of Leibniz. (http://team.academia.edu/RogerClough)

Paul Davies in "the Mind of God" puts these scientists' discoveries into context with the writings of philosophers such as Plato. Descartes, Hume, and Kant. His startling conclusion is that the universe is "no minor byproduct of mindless, purposeless forces. We are truly meant to be here." By the means of
science, we can truly see into the mind of God.
Sir James Jeans wrote; "The stream of knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical reality; the Universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter... we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter."[59]

Mechanism implies idealism, or non materialism. A lot of critics of mechanism assume materialism, but that is what has been shown incoherent, if there is no flaw (in UDA). If we are machine, then it has been argue that numbers dreams emerges from arithmetic, and appearenace of matter emerges from those dream. It is not strict idealism, as everything comes from arithmetic, but it is a form of idealism as the physics is reduced to an explanation in term of numbers only (or Turing equivalent).


Dr. Roger Clough NIST (ret.) 4/29/2013


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