Hi Chris

I think alarm calls are explained adequately by the benefits afforded to 
individuals in a group that share some genetic material. If you are a monkey 
with a few  brothers and sisters in a troupe and plenty of cousins then a lot 
of 'your' genes get protected by putting yourself at risk by alarm calls. 
Whatever genes underpin alarm calling then have a good chance of passing on.  
If members of another species then derive some benefit from that then that in 
fact is a form of cheating. There might be mutual cheating insofar as both 
species might have evolved alarm calling and both noticed the alarm calls of 
the other species. I dont see the need to invoke group selection here.

As for dogs saving babies its not difficult to see the benefits. That dog is 
made for life by that one risk. Its now king dog. The cats in the neighbourhood 
must be kicking themselves. They do all the serious symbiotic work keeping the 
vermin population down and some stupid dog puts on a big display and steals all 
the limelight.

Acts of kindness to complete strangers is harder to explain. I think humans 
evolved in small groups where genetic relatedness was high. Even though we live 
in groups of thousands and even millions in cities our behaviour reflects what 
would be adaptive in much mich smaller groups.

All the best

--- Original Message ---

From: "Chris de Morsella" <cdemorse...@yahoo.com>
Sent: 14 August 2013 3:05 AM
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: Serious proof of why the theory of evolution is wrong

Chris P - I agree, classic Darwinian selection is usually sufficient to
explain the presence of traits, such as altruism (which as you noted is not
a specifically human one) as long as one extends it to account for group
survival fitness. This hypothesis would seem to be supported by a high
correspondence of genetic closeness with altruistic behavior.

It becomes a little more indirect when for example one considers the case
where loose groupings, comprising of multiple species exhibit this behavior.
For example in the case of the various monkey and bird species that seem to
forage the tropical rain forest together, the individual animal that sounds
the alarm call for some predator is increasing its own risk of becoming
predated in order to alert individuals who may not even be the same species.
I still think however that by increasing the overall group fitness of the
loose multi-species confederation that individual benefits, on average. The
linkage is however less clear.

Altruism however becomes harder to explain - using Darwinian selection --
when it is pure altruism, such as an act of kindness to some complete
stranger (that provides no easily discernible benefit to the individual
initiating the altruistic act) or even a cross species acts of altruism,
which on occasion seem to occur, for example the classic headline say of
"stray dog jumps into pool saves drowning baby". This pure altruism that
occurs between individuals that are not closely related is what interests me
most. In these cases what is the fitness payback for the individual who
behaves in the altruistic manner; unless it is the indirect fitness payback
that comes from that individual's act helping to build in a higher degree of
altruism into their social group dynamics thus helping to lower
transactional costs perhaps.


-Chris D

From: everything-list@googlegroups.com
[mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of chris peck
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2013 4:04 PM
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Serious proof of why the theory of evolution is wrong

Hi Chris d m

The papers Ive been reading regard horizontal genetic transfer as a
mechanism by which the machinery of translation, transcription and
replication evolved. As cellular organisms became more complex this
mechanism gives way to vertical genetic transfer which then dominates
evolution. They call this hypothetical period the Darwinain Transition. At
this point selection at a genetic level takes over. I cant vouch for the
ideas plausibility.

I think that selection at a genetic level is enough to account for altruism.
Hamilton's law predicts that behaviors will be undertaken so long as the
benefit multiplied by the degree of genetic relatedness outweighs the cost.
This equation gets healthy support from the study of bees, wasps and ants
etc where the unusual 2/3 relatedness between female siblings gives rise to
unisially co-operative behaviour and between sisters.

All the best

--- Original Message ---

From: "meekerdb" <meeke...@verizon.net>
Sent: 13 August 2013 4:56 AM
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Serious proof of why the theory of evolution is wrong

On 8/12/2013 9:41 AM, Chris de Morsella wrote:

What co-evolutionary traits have been shown to have occurred in dogs and
cattle because of their association with humans (so which are therefore part
of the equation)?

Dogs are just wolves that, thru (un)natural selection have evolved to bond
with humans as with a pack.  Cattle similarly evolved to be docile and
tolerant of humans.

For example with sheep - is sheep dog behavior evolved? Or are they
expressing genetic potential that was already innate in their species? That
would also be an interesting example, if it can be shown that an evolved set
of behaviors (e.g. instincts) developed in those dog species that were bred
for working with cattle or sheep that is absent in other dog species that
there are epigenetic and/or DNA encoding differences that are related to and
underpin the behaviors and traits being observed.

Wolves herd sheep too, so there was innate potential.  But dogs can also
learn a lot of words.  I don't know whether wolves can or not.  That might
be an evolved capability.


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