On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 03:51:45PM -0400, John Mikes wrote:
> Russell  wrote:
> *One of the reasons for studying AL is to get a better handle on what
> we mean by "life". Obviously it has something to do with information
> processing, emergent phenomena, complex systems and evolution, so all
> these topics come under scrutiny.
> I don't think it is as quite a hopeless question as what is
> consciousness (or even what is pornography!), but it is still a
> difficult beast, and one that will take a few generations more of
> scientists before there can be some agreement.*
> *
> *
> I tried to cut out the *sequence*: "first make it artificial THEN get a
> handle of what it is". The 'artificial' thought product may not represent
> the unknown original.

That doesn't matter. But the process of attempting to build it is
bound to refine what we do mean by life.

> Then again *'information'* needs better "information" about its
>  meaning 

Information is quite a well defined term in information theory.

> and
> in my vocabulary 'emergent' means something apparent without our knwoledge
> HOW it came about. Once we learned the circumstances of occurrence it is no
> 'emergent'  anymore: it is a product.

That is Ronald's "surprise" test for emergence. I respectfully disagree.

> *Evolution* is misunderstood in my agnostic view: if it DOES aim at some
> state it is teleological and leads to a God Almighty, the 'know-all
> creator' letting the system play astray-mutations to get there. 

I don't think evolution is teleological. I'm surprised you do.

> *Complex
> 'systems'* is an oxymoron, if it is 'complex' it is not a 'system' (=fixed
> inventory and processing) - it may be an open, unlimited
> organization/network.

A universal machine does not have a fixed inventory, and I think it
definitely counts as a system.

> I agree with your 'scrutiny' for all the topics. Hence my question.
> *Conciousness* is different: I found quite different aspects (contents?) to
> handle the term according to the 'scientist' using it. I boiled it down to
> SOME process, (1992) and identify it as 'response to relations' in the most
> general sense <everything list>..
> (Pornography is different: it is a purely(?) human artifact.)

Of course. But then probably so are the other concepts :).

> Finally: I would not leave such questions in the hands of (conventional?)
> scientists, they are bound to yesterday's knowledge base.

I'll let John Clark respond to this, I think :).

> Thanks for reflecting
> John M
> (
> On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 8:19 PM, Russell Standish 
> <li...@hpcoders.com.au>wrote:
> > On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 05:42:45PM -0400, John Mikes wrote:
> > > Dear Russell,
> > > based on my 2-decade long reading of your posts I have a question, if you
> > > don't mind:
> > > I guess you are still interested in AL, so "L" is includable.
> > > What is " L I F E " in your view?
> >
> > One of the reasons for studying AL is to get a better handle on what
> > we mean by "life". Obviously it has something to do with information
> > processing, emergent phenomena, complex systems and evolution, so all
> > these topics come under scrutiny.
> >
> > I don't think it is as quite a hopeless question as what is
> > consciousness (or even what is pornography!), but it is still a
> > difficult beast, and one that will take a few generations more of
> > scientists before there can be some agreement.
> >
> > > you said: biocomplexity,
> >
> >
> > This doesn't sound like me... :( Context?
> >
> > what raises the
> > > question in my mind: wat is that "bio" we know so little about, but speak
> > > so much about? I am all for complexity -  the infinite one beyond our
> > > 'model' we live in and by, of which we have but precious little
> > information
> > > beyond that model.
> > > So do you have a restriction of complexities we should call life?
> > > (Then we may try to identify how to reproduce such artificially. Maybe a
> > > lot more difficult than identifying AI without a clear definition of
> > "I").
> > >
> > > John Mikes
> > >
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> >
> >
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Prof Russell Standish                  Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
> > Principal, High Performance Coders
> > Visiting Professor of Mathematics      hpco...@hpcoders.com.au
> > University of New South Wales          http://www.hpcoders.com.au
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Prof Russell Standish                  Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
Principal, High Performance Coders
Visiting Professor of Mathematics      hpco...@hpcoders.com.au
University of New South Wales          http://www.hpcoders.com.au

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