On 30 Nov 2013, at 12:27, Roger Clough wrote:

Berkeley and Leibniz- where the monads came from

In Berkeley's philosophy of idealism, a subject is needed
to perceive objects, otherwise they could not exist.
Leibniz got around the problem of what happens if
nobody's there (a tree falls in a wood...)
by dividing up the world into physical objects

That's Leibniz main mistake (seen in the computationalist theory).

assigning a subject (a monad) to each object.

That would lead to animism. And pantheism. I don't think it makes sense with comp, which will associate a mind only to something whose complexity threshold is beyond some (low) level (the turing universal level). And then the 1p is distributed on a non computable part of a computable domain.

A clock is plausibly not conscious. As it is not Turing universal in any interesting non trivial sense.

I conjectured that a quantum clock could be Turing universal, but Eric Vandenbussche refuted it (and found, in doing so, astonishingly, a new proof that the sum of the inverse of square positive integers is equal to 1/6 of the square of Pi).

This everything is conscious to some extent.
Otherwise it could not follow the pre-established harmony.

I think the state of harmony is the state of the universal person before its soul falls by attraction to Matter, where God loses control.

I think the harmony state is given by Plotinus (or comp) three primary hypostases:

   p   (the truth, the one)
   Bp  (the proof/belief, the intelligible)
Bp & p ( the true proof/belief, the universal soul) (B = Gödel's provability predicate, and p is an arbitrary arithmetical sigma_1 sentence.)

And disharmony is brought by the machine's ability to conceive, or better: its inability to not conceive the material secondary hypostases:

    Bp & Dt
Bp & Dt & p (it is here that it hurts and the dream can become a nightmare, normally)

But also many others B^n p & D^m t (& p), with n < m. (they all gives an arithmetical quantizations, and the quantization seems to be graded).

Matter is the border of the universal mind of the universal person that the universal (Turing) machine can't avoid to bet on when looking inward and intuiting the gap between proofs and truth.

This entails two processes: the emanation of God into Souls and Matter, and the conversion of the Souls, using Matter to come back to God (which is a sort of universal soul attractor).



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