On 24 January 2014 01:15, Craig Weinberg <whatsons...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thursday, January 23, 2014 5:39:08 AM UTC-5, stathisp wrote:
>> On 13 January 2014 00:40, Craig Weinberg <whats...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Here then is simpler and more familiar example of how computation can
>> > differ
>> > from natural understanding which is not susceptible to any mereological
>> > Systems argument.
>> >
>> > If any of you have use passwords which are based on a pattern of
>> > keystrokes
>> > rather than the letters on the keys, you know that you can enter your
>> > password every day without ever knowing what it is you are typing
>> > (something
>> > with a #r5f^ in it…?).
>> >
>> > I think this is a good analogy for machine intelligence. By storing and
>> > copying procedures, a pseudo-semantic analysis can be performed, but it
>> > is
>> > an instrumental logic that has no way to access the letters of the
>> > ‘human
>> > keyboard’. The universal machine’s keyboard is blank and consists only
>> > of
>> > theoretical x,y coordinates where keys would be. No matter how good or
>> > sophisticated the machine is, it will still have no way to understand
>> > what
>> > the particular keystrokes "mean" to a person, only how they fit in with
>> > whatever set of fixed possibilities has been defined.
>> >
>> > Taking the analogy further, the human keyboard only applies to public
>> > communication. Privately, we have no keys to strike, and entire
>> > paragraphs
>> > or books can be represented by a single thought. Unlike computers, we do
>> > not
>> > have to build our ideas up from syntactic digits. Instead the
>> > public-facing
>> > computation follows from the experienced sense of what is to be
>> > communicated
>> > in general, from the top down, and the inside out.
>> I think you have a problem with the idea that a system could display
>> properties that are not obvious from examining its parts. There's no
>> way to argue around this, you just believe it and that's that.
> I don't have a problem with the idea that a "system" could DISPLAY
> properties that are not obvious from EXAMINING its "parts", but you overlook
> that DISPLAYING and EXAMINING are functions of consciousness only. If they
> were not, then consciousness would be superfluous. If my brain could examine
> the display of the body's environment, then it would, and the presence or
> absence of perceptual experience would not make any difference.
> Systems and parts are defined by level of description - scales and scopes of
> perception and abstracted potential perception. They aren't primitively
> real. A machine is not a machine in its own eyes, but our body is an
> expression of a single event which spans a human lifetime. A person is
> another expression of that event. The "system" of a person does not emerge
> from the activity of the body parts, as the entire coherence of the body is
> as a character within relativistically scoped perceptual experiences.
> I don't think that I believe, I think that I understand. I think that you do
> not understand what I mean, but are projecting that onto me, and therefore
> have assigned a straw man to take my place. It is your straw man projection
> who must believe.
> Craig

Tell me what you believe so we can be clear:

My understanding is that you believe that if the parts of the Chinese
Room don't understand Chinese, then the Chinese Room can't understand
Chinese. Have I got this wrong?

Stathis Papaioannou

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