On Monday, March 24, 2014 4:48:13 AM UTC, chris peck wrote:
> The only person in any doubt was you wasn't it Liz?
> I found Tegmark's presentation very disappointing. He was alarmingly 
> apologetic about MWI pleading that its flaws were mitigated by the fact 
> other interpretations had similar flaws; as if the fact someone else is ill 
> would make you less ill yourself. I think in the world of QM 
> interpretations, with bugger all evidence to decide between them, the game 
> is to even out the playing field in terms of flaws and then chase 
> parsimony. Ofcourse, whether an infinite set of worlds is more or less 
> parsimonious than just one +  a few hidden variables, or one + a spooky 
> wave function collapse, depends very much on what definition of 
> parsimonious you find most fitting.
MWI is refuted by the massive totally unexamined - some unrealized to this 
day - assumptions built in at the start. It's like, local realism - a 
reasonable assumed universal. But only the bare bones. Assuming locarealism 
means locality as we perceive, and classically seems to be. In; these 
dimensions. But what happens when science transforms through a major 
generalization? The hallmark is that not only theories get merged, broken 
up, such that everything looks different. But  that the revolution stretchs 
right out to the conceptual framework itself...the basic concepts that are 
upfront necessary to be shared, for basic communication to take place. It's 
all concepts broken apart, while others merged together. We can put some 
faith in local realism, but in what dimensionality it's pure, we don't 
about that yet..we don't know.MWI assumes that it's a safe scientific 
known. It isn't. In fact everything is against that.
There literally dozens of others. Like assuming major properties are 
duplicated "as is" between higher and lower macrostate layers. MWI'ers need 
to assume local realism at quantum levels as is. Unprecedented if true. 
Daft in other words. 
When I throw this at them, the response if there is one is usually6 denial 
that MWI needs those massive assumptions and would not have happened 
without them. Arguments come the lines of MWI is derived clean from the 
wave function or by some other theoretical strtucture, involving simple 
assumptions only none of them things like local realism.
They just don't get it, science, anymore. theories as internal theory 
structure get improved all the time as part of an ongoing 
progression. Building out an assumption is not a matter of improving theory 
structure alone. 
MWI is tied to assuming local realism for all time, because it was only the 
extreme and disturbing - incomprehensible even to the greats - character of 
quantum strangenessl. MWI is tied to it, because that is what it took  hat 
an outrageous, unscientific notion like MWI  could be taken seriously at 
all. MWI even now, has not defense for itself, without reference to quantum 
strangeness,, and restorations to classical determinism. 
It's a quantum theory, and it's wrong, because it's assumptions are that 
the nature of reality is hard tied forever to principles, hard tied to the 
complexities of this dimension, this universe right here. What a  joke. The 
harm done by this theory is immeasurable. A theory sterile for all time, 
placed all around the boundaries beyond the frontiers of science, that can 
never be discoverex, never be passed through, never be built over, or 
under. It's an act of murder of the human and scientific dreamss

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