On 17 April 2014 09:22, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:

>  On 4/16/2014 2:10 PM, LizR wrote:
>  On 17 April 2014 07:58, Stephen Paul King <stephe...@provensecure.com>wrote:
>>  Polygamy is common for most mammals....
>  Because most mammals don't extend their range from Africa to the Arctic.
> As I said, there's a tendency towards polygamy in hot countries, but it
> wouldn't work for humans in cold ones because more parental investment is
> required to rear offspring successfully.
> But even where the living is easy, polygamy creates the problem of young
> men without women - which tends to be socially destabilizing and favors
> raiding and warfare.  Even in the muslim nations where a man can have as
> many as four wives, polygamy tends to be rare except where there is a lot
> of tribal warfare.  In Utah where there are fundamentalist Mormon towns,
> boys sadly tend to be forced out on their own in their early teens.
Brent, that isn't a "but". Try starting with "And" when you want to add
something to what I said, and save "but" for when you are disagreeing with
something. OK? Please?

To answer your point, that is probably true. People tend to go for short
term gain, as any environmentalist will tell you. No one said polygamy will
maximise global happiness, merely that it's a viable reproductive strategy
in some situations.

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