My theory does not violate conservation of mass-energy.  It does not deal with 
Lepton number.  How do you know neutrinos have a Lepton number of 1?  How do 
you know neutrinos exists?  Have you ever seen one?  I don’t believe neutrinos 
exist.  I have never seen proof that they exist.  Do you have real proof that 
they exist?


A photon travels at the speed of light.  It also has a frequency so something 
must be oscillating within the photon.  Whatever that something is must during 
part of each cycle be traveling faster than c.  My understanding is that 
current scientific thinking has our Universe expanding to 40 % of its current 
size in a very short time period.  This sounds like something was traveling 
faster than the speed of light.  My book contains a good explanation for the 
inflation period.  How do you explain it?


John R     


[] On Behalf Of John Clark
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2014 11:41 AM
Subject: Re: TRONNIES



On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 1:25 PM, John Ross <> wrote:


> The neutrino photon disappears in the course of pair production.

First of all there is no such thing as a " neutrino photon". Second of all one 
photon all by itself never turns into a electron and a positron, you need 2 
photons or a photon interacting with a atomic nucleus to absorb the momentum. 
For the same reason a electron and positron moving at equal speed but opposite 
directions can never produce just one photon because according to conservation 
of energy the the resulting photon would have   .51 +.51 = 1.02MeV or energy, 
but we've known for over a century that photons also have momentum and the 
formula for it is E/c where E is energy of the photon and C is the speed of 
light. So according to your scenario the electron positron system has zero 
momentum but after they interact there is 1.02/c momentum that is created from 
nothing, and that  violates the law of conservation of momentum.

>  When the positron created in pair production combines with an electron and 
> they are annihilated a neutrino photon is released in the process.

Yes you said that before "when the positron combines with the electron in the 
annihilation event you get two 0.51 MeV entron/photons and a 928 MeV neutrino 
entron/photon" and the numbers didn't add up then and they still don't ; .51 + 
.51 still does not equal .51 +.51 +.928. And that violates the law of 
conservation of energy.

And there are even more problems, you also violate the law of conservation of 
Lepton Number. Electrons have a Lepton number of -1 and for positrons its 1 so 
for both it's zero, but after they interact according to you it's 1 because 
although photons have a Lepton Number of zero neutrinos have a Lepton Number of 

So you violate the Law of Conservation of Energy, and the Law of Conservation 
of Momentum, and the Law of Conservation of Lepton Number.  Oh and
tronnies (whatever the hell they are)  traveling in a circle at a speed of π/2 
times the  speed of light violate Einstein's Theory of Relativity. Did I miss 
any other violations of the fundamental laws of physics in your ideas?

  John K Clark

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