I seem to recall some mathematical / logical proof that no system of govt
is going to work all the time, but the details are a bit vague now. Does
anyone know what I'm talking about?

I mean in this particular case, obviously. In general I'm a model of
clarity (insert eye-rolling emoticon here).

On 6 June 2014 08:47, John Mikes <jami...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Brent:
> you venture into closing in on *'democracy*': Indeed it is impossible, no
> system can involve EVERYBODY's interest/taste/choice/whatever into ONE
> system (*Cratos* of the *entire* *Demos*?) so we think of a watered-down
> variant: a MAJORITY rule which implies the suppression of a MINORITY (if
> the figures are right - otherwise it goes for the rule of a minority).
> Example: how many votes did Morsi get for his 'democratic' election from
> the 35 millon srong Egyptian voter population?
> Is it a numbers' game indeed?
> John M
> On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 8:20 AM, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:
>>  On 6/4/2014 3:43 AM, Telmo Menezes wrote:
>> On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 10:23 PM, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:
>>>  On 6/3/2014 9:35 AM, Telmo Menezes wrote:
>>> That is the great flaw of constitutional systems based on "paper"
>>>> formulas and automatic mechanisms.
>>>> without that  unenforceable set of values and compromises, a
>>>> constitutional system can derive to anything bad.
>>>  I mostly agree. In fact, I would argue that the hypothetical
>>> effectiveness of the constitution as a vaccine against tyranny has already
>>> been empirically falsified in the USA.
>>>  The effectiveness, as the effectiveness of laws in general, has always
>>> depended on the recognition and acceptance by the populace.  You, and Godel
>>> and other critics, represent a corrosive influence on that acceptance.  As
>>> people who object to one or another government action (e.g. Clive Bundy,
>>> Citizens United, EPA regulations) invoke the Constitution as prohibiting
>>> that action and the government as violating the Constitution more and
>>> more political activists are encouraged to claim the government is
>>> illegitimate.  If enough people *think* the government is illegimate,
>>> however meritless and diverse their claims may be, then in effect it does
>>> become illegitimate and society devolves toward rule by power: oligarchy or
>>> police state.
>>  The "recognition and acceptance" by the populace implies that there is
>> the option of "non-recognition and rejection". So a government becomes
>> legitimate because the majority of the people choose the former. I think we
>> can agree on this. But then you say that the people who choose
>> "non-recognition and rejection" are a corrosive influence that leads to
>> oligarchies or police states. So there was no choice to begin with, except
>> for a choice between what you consider ethical or unethical behaviour. This
>> is circular: the government is ethical because it is legitimised by a
>> choice of the majority, and you should choose to accept the government
>> because not doing so harms the government, which is ethical because... etc.
>> It's not circular, it's democracy.  If you convince a majority that the
>> government is wrong then it ethical to overthrow it.
>> Brent
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