On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 5:53 PM, LizR <lizj...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 24 July 2014 04:42, Richard Ruquist <yann...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > I hope you are not confusing the MV multiverse with the Everett MWI
>> multiverse
>> It seems that John Clark is.
>> There should be an Everett style multiverse embedded in the string
> landscape universe.

That's possible. String theory works like QFT (quantum field theory). I
presume but do not really know that QFT works whether every quantum state
is realized or only one in every physical interaction.

> That is, one in 10^500 of the string landscape universes happens to have
> the same laws of physics as ours, and 1 in a very, very large number of
> THOSE is identical to this one, or maybe differs by a single particle's
> spin.

That's way short of the number of worlds in a MWI reality, which is/are
nearly infinite.
The 10^500 is the number of possible distinct Calabi-Yau (compactified)
Manifolds CYMs.
Given the size from Yau's book at 1000 Planck lengths, and a max
close-packed density of 10^90/cc, we can fill a goodly number of universes
plus the enclosing Metaverse (formerly known as a multiverse and  also a
Megaverse) with an array of CYMs each distinct from all others, amenable to
a natural number system.

> This gives us, at humungous distances, an identical multiverse to the one
> the MWI does (assuming being in identical quantum states means actually
> being identical, as I believe it does). Plus if our "bubble" in the string
> landscape is infinite (which I think it can be?) then it *itself*
> contains a MWI style multiverse, at rather smaller distances - maybe a mere
> 10^10^70 light years, or whatever!
> So we get a "redundant infinity" of identical universes ("infinity
> squared" ? Or cubed, even, given the three different ways these can
> arise...? (Not that that's any larger than plain old countable infinity, of
> course!)).
> Excuse me, I have to go and lie down now.
>  --
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