Hello everyone,

I don't post here very often, but I read your posts every day via nabble 
(it is just easier to load responses on the mobile device). 

I also don't usually have much to contribute, but I'd like to contribute 
something today.

After reviewing and re-reviewing all of the stuff that Bruno says about the 
8 hypostases and all the arcane logical symbols 
that are presented, and getting into the idea that we are really all the 
same person just trying out different personalities/persons in 
the mathematical multiverse (as guaranteed by the AUDA? ADA?) -- isn't this 
just a whole load of magical thinking? Like we 
have formed a model where it seems like this is true, so therefore it must 
be true? 

>From personal experience, I can tell you, I've never seen the following 
spring from the ADA/AUDA:

a baby
a grasshopper
some grass
a tree
a person (complete with my memories except for that time i wet myself in 
grade 2)
a galaxy
a bank
a government

It's all a lot of handwaving, as far as I'm concerned. And while I really 
love reading your back
and forths about the peculiar details of the AUDA/ADA, I still don't see 
one possible way in which 
such formal, dessicated, circumscribed reasoning could ever lead to the 
actual, joyous, and unboundedly
infinite reality we have facing us every day. I'm sure I've missed 
something (yah, some of you will say 
I've missed everything, but whatever)... but what we have going on here on 
this list, it seems is a paradox:

The paradox of romanticism meeting classicism. 
The paradox of number meeting form or geometry. 
The paradox of mind meeting matter. 

The problem seems like there is this self-satisfaction on the part of Bruno 
that there are merely some "hypotheses" about 
machine psychology (whatever the hell that means) and a consistent working 
out of the CTM to ensure we are such beings, 
by following the (really awfully impractical and impossible to implement) 
thought experiment of being in a duplicating chamber.

Well, guess what? There are no duplicating chambers! Never have been, and 
never will be. 
It's just like conceiving a time travel machine (also impossible).

When Einstein thought up his thought experiments, he didn't start with 
premises that were inherently impossible to fulfill. 
After all, we can all imagine accelerating up to some arbitrary limit. 

Similarly, with quantum physics, we can all imagine (and in fact can do in 
practice) the dual slit experiment. We can even 
(if we are sadists) carry out the Schrodinger experiment, and determine 
either a live or dead cat (we won't see both, according to
the formalism, but that is to be expected). 

But thought experiments have their limit. If one of your basic premises is 
that "I have here, in my possession, a 
machine that will duplicate you entirely and completely without fail up to 
a basic substitution level", and yet you can't 
build such a machine, nor even conceive of how to go about building one, 
with no practical plans or ideas as a guideline, 
then I would have to say, before I even begin going down the long and 
tortuous road of inference such a situation involves 
a willing subject in, STOP, THANK YOU, you've taught me precisely nothing. 

This is just like hypothesizing a time machine where one can go back to 
alter the course of WW2 and make Hitler a 
painter and then basically just make everything as though WW2 never 

Can I hypothesize a machine that might do that? YES
Can I create a bunch of formal logical rules where such an intervention 
could be both possible and consistent? YES 
Does it mean I should now start believing that Hitler was a painter and 
that World War 2 never happened? NO

There is a massive gulf between purely formal proof in symbols and what 
actually happens in the world. 
This list is (thanks to Bruno's help) dedicated to the NONSENSE that, by 
writing a few formal symbols 
down, one has therefore explained it all. It's pernicious. And blind. 

And I've never done salvia, but I have done acid, and I had an experience 
during it where I really felt I was the universe itself. 
But I don't thing any string of symbols would have convinced me one way or 
another as to whether I had an actual 
encounter with the noumenon or else just had a deep and intense trip. 

This everything stuff based on Bruno's "8 hypostases" (or 7, or 9) is a 
bunch of magical horseshit at a level that is too high for most people 
to see through. That's why it still gets play... no one can call the 
emperor for having no clothes.

Just go and pet a dog or cat, or smell some flowers,  and tell me that is 
just a bunch of equations. 

There is something sorely lacking in this approach to an everything theory. 

That's all I've got. I'm sure those who want to will beat up on me, I don't 

Plus, this list needed livening.


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