
    I'd like to propose that we get back to the subject of discussing our 
ideas on how the universe works, why it's here, etc., and stop talking 
about religion so much.  It'd be nice if we could all also provide 
constructive criticism if we disagree, instead of insults.  If this turns 
into a religion, hatred, insults type forum, for me at least, it will have 
lost the value it had.

    To start, I'd like to propose the following:  We all have different 
views on the question "Why there is something rather than nothing?", if 
that question even has value, how the universe works, etc.  I think it's 
safe to say that, unless you're an academic, our ideas are also routinely 
ignored, criticized and made fun of by academics.  The only way for 
amateurs to ever get more traction is if we can take our ideas on the 
universe, build them up, and make models and testable predictions.  That's 
pretty much the scientific method.  Also, if we're discussing metaphysics, 
metaphysics is the study of being and existence.  Because the universe 
"be"s and exists, and physics is the study of how the universe works, the 
laws of physics and the universe should be derivable from the principles of 
metaphysics.  I think many of us are trying to work out the principles of 
metaphysics that apply to how the universe works.  I call this a 
metaphysics-to-physics or philosophical engineering approach. I'd like to 
challenge all of us to build models and make predictions based on our 
ideas.  That's what I'm trying to do in my own thinking.  I've got a very 
basic beginning model based on my thinking at my website at:


in the section called Use of the proposed solution to build a model of the 
universe.  I look forward to reading about others' models on this list in 
the future. 

   Anyways, even if no one is interested, I'd still vote to get away from 
religion.  Live and let live, let everyone have their say, and move on. 
 That's my two cents.  Thanks.


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