John, see if you can read this paper. Its a slideshow from Ars Disputandi of an 
eric steinhart paper, on the theological implications of the simulation 
argument. This is the only copy I downloaded of the url, but I was able to do a 
download and print at work so I have hard copy. Steinhart seems to be an 
atheist, but believes there was a creator and now a system of creators above 
and beyond us, etc. I guess steinhart might say, yeah thers a god, but don't 
pray to him.  If you can read this, please give out with the feedback. I am 
feeling the dude may be spot on, etc. But I will guess that you will not see it 
this way. Which is good with me. 


Sent from AOL Mobile Mail

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <>
To: everything-list <>
Sent: Sat, Feb 14, 2015 04:46 PM
Subject: Re: Why is there something rather than nothing? From quantum theory to 

<div id="AOLMsgPart_2_6358d9ed-4934-4055-8f54-a38c31f4effc">

 <div dir="ltr">
  <div class="aolmail_gmail_extra">
On Sat, Feb 14, 2015  spudboy100 via Everything List 
   <span dir="ltr"><<a target="_blank" 

  <div class="aolmail_gmail_extra">
   <div class="aolmail_gmail_quote">

    <blockquote class="aolmail_gmail_quote" style="margin:0px 0px 0px 
     <font color="black" face="arial"> 

       <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" 
style="background-color:transparent">> In Islam, I have read, is a being called 
The Doubter, which the faithful associate with the devil, they term, 



And in both the Old Testament and the Quran the devil is far more moral than 
God, yes the devil opposes God but he should because in both books God is a 
complete shit*. And even in the New Testament it is the prince of piece himself 
who introduces the concept of eternal damnation, the devil may be a bit rude 
and perform some over the top pranks from time to time but he never came close 
to doing anything THAT evil.


   <div class="aolmail_gmail_quote">
    <blockquote class="aolmail_gmail_quote" style="margin:0px 0px 0px 
     <font color="black" face="arial">

       <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" 
style="background-color:transparent">> But certainly, doubt is the true 
beginning of wisdom?</font>



 Yes but we're talking about religion, something unrelated to wisdom.



 John K Clark


   </div>*During the second world war the novelist Evelyn Waugh (Brideshead 
  <div class="aolmail_gmail_extra">
was a commando in Yugoslavia with Winston Churchill's son Randolph. During a 
lull in the fighting Waugh happened to hear him say that he'd never read the 
Bible, so Waugh, who was very religious, said he'd give Randolph 10 pounds if 
he read it cover to cove. Randolph agreed but it didn't have the desired effect 
because during the entire week his reading took he could be repeatedly heard to 
exclaim  "GOD IS SUCH A SHIT!". 

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