On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 a Quentin The Horse Fucker <allco...@gmail.com> wrote:

>>> I don't think anyone claims that the duplicating machines are an
>> analogy for the MWI.
>>  >> Quentin The Horse Fucker claims EXACTLY that
> > How my god... You actually have no shame, do you? It's pathological.
> You're not even a liar,  you must be crazy.
I don't claim this is anywhere near to being a complete list but the
following should allow people to judge Quentin The Horse Fucker's veracity.

 On February 17 2014 Quentin The Horse Fucker Wrote:

 "is this in your opinion a proof that MWI is false ? I can't make sense of
people who accepts duplication by MWI and accepts assigning probabilities
in MWI but not in a "classical" duplication experiment which in the end has
the same result."

On February 18 2014 Quentin The Horse Fucker Wrote:

"Be consistent reject MWI on the same ground"

On June 19 2014 Quentin The Horse Fucker Wrote:

"The thing is to devise a though experiment matching MWI, in the MWI case
you accept probability calculus."

And later that same day Quentin The Horse Fucker Wrote:

SUCH EXPERIMENT* he talks bullshit about doppelganger and invalid pronous
use... well John... bullshit and bullshit again... do us a favor,
reject MWI."

Liar Mendacity Clark

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