On Wed, Mar 25, 2015  Quentin Anciaux <allco...@gmail.com> wrote:

> John is inconsistent... he asserts that theory for duplication machines,
> and so say that he can never say anything about his future expectations
> because he is no more... but somehow he can when he talks about MWI... go
> figure.

If you want to make the duplication machine stuff analogous to the MWI then
at some point you've got to recombine the Moscow Man and the Washington Man
back into a single entity that has memories of both cities. When a single
electron is at the 2 slits the universe splits because the the electron
went through slot A in one and slot B in another. But after that when the
electron hits the photographic film (or a brick wall) there is no longer
any difference between the 2 universes so they recombine but the
information about the slots they went through is retained and this produces
the interference pattern.

This is also why we don't see weird quantum effects in our everyday lives,
in the 2 slit case the difference between the 2 universes is very very
small so it's easy to make them identical again, but if you make a
macroscopic change the difference is so huge it would be virtually
impossible to make them identical again so the universes could recombine.

Richard Feynman said that the 2 slit experiment incorporates all the
weirdness of quantum mechanics, and the MWI explains that weirdness, but if
you refuse to let the Washington Man and the Moscow Man recombine then you
could only analogize a simpler and much much duller version of that
experiment;  you fire electrons at two slits, and that's it. The electrons
never hit photographic film or a brick wall or anything else, the electrons
just continue forever into infinite space, and that doesn't even come close
to incorporating the full richness of Quantum Mechanics.

So if you want to use the duplicating machine stuff as a analogy for the
MWI you've GOT to allow the Washington Man and the Moscow Man to recombine.

 John K Clark

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