On 02 Apr 2015, at 19:12, John Clark wrote:

On Thu, Apr 2, 2015  Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

>> A thought experiment is not needed to realize there is a difference between "I" and "you".

> It ias moe about the difference between the 3-you

In other words "he".

> and the 1-you.

In other words "I".

> Like, the 3-you are in both M and W, but the 1-you are in only M or W.

It would be wise if Bruno Marchal were less preoccupied with putting numerals before "you" and gave a little more thought about what that personal pronoun is supposed to mean. Does "you" mean John Clark the Moscow Man or does "you" just mean John Clark? It makes a difference, a very very big difference, and that's why John Clark says that the English language will need a major overhaul when matter duplicating machines become common (and that will be about an hour after they become technologically possible).

>> And other than show that The Moscow Man aka the man who sees Moscow will turn out to be the man who sees Moscow aka The Moscow Man I can't figure out what you think you've proven.

> A non quantum first person indeterminacy. The step 4 asks if such indeterminacy is the same if we add different delays of reconstitution in the reconstitution in M and W.

And that's exactly why I haven't read step 4. Before I worry about if "such indeterminacy" changes under various conditions I need to know what the hell sort of indeterminacy you're talking about, and despite reading your stuff for years you still haven't been able to make that clear.

Imagine the iterated duplication, the average history in the diaries obtained contained histories like

W (I was unable to predit that), W again! Would it be always W? M. Oh I did not predict that, let us sump up, my hisytory is HWWM
Let us sum up: HWWMWWWMMWMMMWWWMWMMMMMWWMWMWMMM .... Hm, I don't find anyway I could have use to predict that.

I don't see the difficulty. By comp, you know that you will not die, by comp, you know that you will not feel yourself in both place, and by the protocol, you know that both will get the coffee, but cannot predict which one, despite there will be one among the option {W, M} (assuming comp, the protocol and the defaut hypothesis.

I don't see what is not clear with that. Nobody grasp where you see a difficulty. The indeterminacy is the one described in the memories or diaries of the average persons at the end of the experience.

If you repeat the experience a big number of time, the probability that you will see W is given by the usual integral of the gaussian e^(x^2) with the normalization constant. In that protocol. French statisticians called that "épreuve de Bernouilli". You get the same with the quantum coin, and in that case the probabilistic feature is isomorphic, despite a different origin (quantum superposition and self- duplication).

And the step 4 question is: should we take another distribution, of those first person experience, if we add a delay of reconstitution in Moscow?


  John K Clark

> and the Theaetetus' definition of knowledge

I don't think that those working on cutting edge scientific problems in 2015 will be helped much by reading a book written in 369 BC by an author who thought the Earth was the center of the universe and the 7 planets ( Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn, the Sun and the Moon) were fixed to 7 crystal spheres and the rest of the universe, the stars, was pasted on the inside of a 8th sphere.



> Clearly you have not read the Theaetetus,

Nor do I intend to.

> as it does not mention astronomy.

But Plato, the author of Theaetetus mention astronomy Timaeus and it the Republic and he advocates a cosmological theory that has been obsolete for 2000 years, even Ptolemy with his epicycles was better. Do you really think that scientists working on string theory would be helped by reading such crap?

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