On Sun, Apr 19, 2015  'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List <
everything-list@googlegroups.com> wrote:

>  > in the case of the one million zero bits I would argue that in the
> context of the given query or search this result may be the precise
> information that is desired [...] without knowledge of the domain and the
> significance of a bit being on or off it is hard to discern or make
> statements about any sequence of bits.

Yes, if the question was "how much is 7 minus 7?" then the millionth digit
would not be surprising, but if the question was "how much is 1 divided by
the number of twin primes?" then the millionth digit would be surprising
whatever it was even if you already knew that the previous 999,999 digits
were all zero.

  John K Clark


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