On 1 June 2015 at 13:32, John Clark <johnkcl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sun, May 31, 2015  LizR <lizj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> A Turing Machine does assume matter that obeys the laws of physics
>>> > It assumes that an infinite tape is available.
> A Turing Machine assumes a unlimited tape, that is to say if you start to
> run out of tape you can order up more tape; it would only need an infinite
> amount of tape if a infinite number of calculations were required.
>> > A Turing Machine is actually an *algorithm*
> Yes, a algorithm that is a set of instructions that explains how to
> organize matter that obeys the laws of physics in such a way that it can
> make any finite calculation.

It doesn't explain how to organise matter - which is obvious from the fact
that all sorts of systems can be Turing-universal, including ones based on
abstract sets of rules. The fact that to build one we have to use matter is
a contingent fact; it has nothing to do with the (so-called) machine.

Similarly (to take a simpler example) there are many ways one can add two
numbers together, but that doesn't mean that addition is a material
process. At best, addition is something we abstract out from a large number
of different material processes (people operating abacuses, suitably
trained brains thinking through the calculation, mechanical and electronic
calculators, Bose-Einstein condensates, etc). Yet if performed correctly
the calculation always gives the same result regardless of the physical
medium used - which suggests that an abstract process is being instantiated
physically, not that it is a physical process (if so, which one?).

(As for the metaphysical leap, maybe you should try reading what I actually
said and answering that? I know it's more difficult than answering
something you've made up yourself specifically to be easy to knock down,
but you could try it.)

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