On 6/4/2018 4:39 PM, Russell Standish wrote:
On Mon, Jun 04, 2018 at 02:48:01PM -0700, Brent Meeker wrote:
It's a necessary feature of intelligence.  Intelligence requires "what-if"
modeling of situations in order to foresee consequences. Even a the lower
animal level this implies modeling oneself in the simulation. In higher,
social animals it includes being able to put yourself in the place of others
in order to anticipate their repsonses, i.e. having a theory of mind.
Not many species of animal appear to do this. But yes, I think the
evolutionary account is valid, and goes by the name of Machiavellian
Intelligence theory.

But this implies that consciousness is identified with self-awareness?

There's a lower level of awareness which is just distinguishing self from environment which even one-celled animals have; but I wouldn't call them conscious.


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