On Sunday, June 10, 2018 at 3:19:37 PM UTC, Bruno Marchal wrote:
> On 9 Jun 2018, at 01:10, agrays...@gmail.com <javascript:> wrote:
> On Friday, June 8, 2018 at 12:06:33 PM UTC, Bruno Marchal wrote:
>> On 8 Jun 2018, at 03:30, agrays...@gmail.com wrote:
>> On Thursday, June 7, 2018 at 9:07:37 AM UTC, Bruno Marchal wrote:
>> [snip]
>> *       So consciousness anticipates all quantum experiment that MIGHT 
>> occur in the future, *
>> The arithmetical relations do that. Consciousness only select the 
>> histories
>> *        and creates those worlds in anticipation? Now we're really 
>> getting deep into woo-woo territory.*
>> On the contrary, we explain how the quantum physical illusion arise from 
>> all computations which are already realised in the block-mindspace given by 
>> very elementary arithmetic, that we never leave.
>> Here are all my assumptions: classical logic + the axioms of arithmetic 
>> (“s” is intended to denote the successor function x+1):
>> *      Please describe ambiguous (for me) symbols,  AG*
>> OK.
>> 0 ≠ s(x)                    OK
>> s(x) = s(y) -> x = y    OK
>> x = 0 v Ey(x = s(y))    ?
>> A natural number is either null, or has a predecessor. Read “Ex” by it 
>> exists a number x such that ...
>> x+0 = x                    OK
>> x+s(y) = s(x+y)         OK
>> x*0=0                        ?   *Does * mean multiplication? AG*
>> Yes. “x” looks to much like the variable x. 
>> x*s(y)=(x*y)+x            ?
>> x multiplied by the successor of y gives the same as x * y + x. Exemple 6 
>> * 4 = (6 * 3) + 6.
>> I use mechanism only to help people that this has to be a theory of 
>> everything. It explains very well consciousness (I think), and matter (as 
>> confirmed up to now).
>> *What is the first step from these postulates, to anything? I mean 
>> anything. What is mechanism? *
>> Mechanism is the hypothesis that our body is a machine, or a natural 
>> machine-like entity. (It has been discussed in the antic China, India and 
>> greek philosopher/theologians. But you need to wait Descartes and Diderot 
>> to see it coming back, but, notably with Diderot, also its use by 
>> materialists to hide the mind-body problem.
>> Digital Mechanism as I use it in this list, is slightly more precise. The 
>> notion of digital machine is the notion of Emil Post, Alonzo Church, Alan 
>> Turing, and best explained by Stephen Kleene in his papers and book, 
>> notably his “Introduction to Metamathematics” (1952). 
>> Just ask me, and I gave more on this … after the June exams, as my 
>> scheduling get tighter and tighter those days.
>> *Why do we need these postulate to fix anything? *
>> My goal was to reformulate the mind-body problem in the frame of the 
>> Mechanist hypothesis in the cognitive science/philosophy-o-mind/theology.
>> Unfortunately I have been asked to solve it, which I did, but that 
>> requires some familiarity with Mathematical Logic, which is not well taught.
>> Also, the solution is disliked by the “religious” materialists, and I 
>> have underestimate the number of those in some academical circles, and 
>> their influence (I got a price for my PhD which has disappears without 
>> explanation, just to give one example …).
> *What happened with your Ph’D? *
> It was rejected by my old bullying-friends in Brussels University,, at the 
> recievability level (I never mette them) but I defended it without any 
> problem in France (Lille), where I got the price of the best theses, with 4 
> other laureates in the French speaking world, but then the prized 
> disappeared, and the bullying (always by defamation done in my back) 
> continued and get somehow international, as it is easy to mock or 
> disbelieve someone who say we were wrong since a very long time. But all 
> scientists doing their job have no problem with it, if only because they 
> understand the question raised, and that there is not once claim of truth.
> *Are you associated with a university? Which one? Just curious. AG *
> I have a position at Brussels University where I did create IRIDIA, with 
> late Philippe Smets and some others. After the events IRIDIA has been 
> attached to the Faculty of Applied Science. Engineers are more rigorous in 
> metaphysics than scientist whose often confuse hypotheses and dogma. Not 
> all scientists of course. I have worked with Englert, Brout, Nardone, Gross 
> and others at the time Brout and Englert discovered the “Higgs Boson”. I 
> have a very minor role there, except reassuring François Englert that 
> quantum mechanics makes sense even in cosmology. He added a footnote in a 
> paper suggesting the perplex reader to read Everett for a QM making sense 
> without external observer.
> *What is the problem you're trying to fix? *
>> The mind-body problem. How a grey brain can create a color perception, 
>> for example. 
> *Unsolved IMO, Not a trivial problem. AG*
> Glad to hear this.
>> But it is more deep than that, as eventually, Mechanism is shown 
>> incompatible with materialism and/or physicalism, which is the actual 
>> paradigm in most metaphysics and theologies.
> *What is Materialism? *
> I alway mean “weak Materialism”. It is the belief that there is a universe 
> out there, or a primary universe, a material world. It is the paradigm in 
> theology since the closure of Plato academy in Athene, and there is a 
> variety of strong (anti-agnosyic) atheists who forbid doubt about it 
> (showing that they did not grasp what science is all about). Intellectual 
> jews, christians and muslims are usually cooler than such atheists, except 
> for the radicals. 
> I don’t know the truth, but I explain that with the Church-Turing thesis, 
> many questions becomes amenable to mathematical and observable/testable 
> consequences.
> *If Mechanism is as you defined above -- that the body is a machine or 
> like a machine -- why is it incompatible with materialism? AG*
> Because of a fact which I have underestimated the ignorance of. Yet this 
> has been discovered already by Gödel, although implicitly, in 1931. And 
> explicitly later by Church, Turing, Kleene, and others. That was the 
> mathematical discovery of the universal computer. Turing will play some 
> role in its first physical implementation, but Suze, von Neumann, well … 
> today, here and now, we communicate with it, but its “universal” character 
> is a bit hidden, unless you use the log, or Darwin, Linux, etc. (which mix 
> the universal machine with layer of protection, as they are necessarily 
> rather “fragile” (capable of crashing). There are very deep reason for that.
> The fact is that the elementary arithmetical reality implements, in the 
> original sense of Gödel & Others, all computations, and no universal 
> machine can distinguish a computation eventually realised in arithmetic 
> than by any universal machine. Then each first person view that Gödel’s 
> incompleteness attaches canonically to such machine (when “rich enough” in 
> some sense; I call them Gödel-Löbian, or Löbian for short) is indeterminate 
> on which computations she is supported by, among an infinity of 
> computations. 
> But the constraints of relative self-referential correctness (using tarski 
> notion of truth, and Theatetus notion of knowledge, or variants) has to 
> provided a measure on alternate computational continuation, and indeed we 
> get formally a sample of quantum logics where expected. Normally, if 
> mechanism is true, this should lead to a “Gleason theorem”, making that 
> measure unique and well defined. Up to now, the quantum logics “in the head 
> of the universal machine” fits with nature. That is not the case with 
> physicalism, which use a 1-1 identity thesis between mind and brain, which 
> makes no sense with Digital Mechanism. To get that 1-1 link, even weakening 
> a lot mechanism does not help. I don’t see any way to build a non 
> computational its theory of mind other than ad-hoc diagonalization, leading 
> to transfinite “surnatural theories”. You need almost like an infinities of 
> magic. But there is no evidence for any in nature.
> I don’t expect you to grasp this in a second. I can give references. 
> For example:
> B. Marchal. The Origin of Physical Laws and Sensations. In 4th 
> International System Administration and Network Engineering Conference, 
> SANE 2004, Amsterdam, 2004.
> http://iridia.ulb.ac.be/~marchal/publications/SANE2004MARCHALAbstract.html
> *How can these postulates explain consciousness? TIA, AG*
>> Eventually by the logics of self-reference discovered by Gödel and Löb in 
>> arithmetic, and axiomatised completely (at the propositional level) by 
>> Solovay. 
>> If you agree that for a conscious being, consciousness is true, non 
>> doubtable, but also non provable and non definable, then it is long but not 
>> difficult to show that all universal machine (in the sense of Church …) can 
>> introspect itself (in the sense provided by Gödel), and discover some thing 
>> obeying to those axiomatic description of consciousness. 99% of 
>> consciousness is explained, + an explanation why the last 1% has to be felt 
>> by the machine as utterly not explainable. 
> *Introspection -- the great unsolved problem. *
> I hate to brag, but I would say that it is solved. In fact in my childhood 
> my question was “does an amoeba lives only one day, or is she immortal”. 
> Everyday an amoeba gives to amoeba. Does the amoeba survives the 
> self-duplication. Then I got the molecular biology solution, with the DNA 
> encoding the process of is replication. But then I was lucky enough to find 
> a book on Gödel’s proof, and I realised that self-reproduction is realised, 
> and explained, entirely in arithmetic, which decides me to become a 
> mathematician instead of a biologist. 
> That self-duplication in arithmetic provides only the third person notion 
> of self. It gives you the way to implement a notion of self (called “self” 
> in its object-oriented implementation in SMALLTALK, actually, and can be 
> seen as a control structure. In my paper, I used it to implement 
> “planarians”, that is programs that you can cut in pieces, and each pieces 
> “regenerates” the entire program.
> It took me to read Plato to get the first person notion of self, and the 
> idea was quite simple, leading directly to the understanding of why 
> (Löbian) machine as so persuaded that they have a soul, (personal 
> consciousness), why they cannot doubt it, yet not proved its existence, and 
> still less define it). 
> The third person self of Peano arithmetic(*)  is just the Gödel number of 
> its probability ability, that is Gödel’s bewesibar predicate. PA is Löbian, 
> it can prove its own incompleteness theorem for example. Read “bewesibar” 
> as “provable”. 
> ~beweisbar(“0 = 1”) -> ~beweisbar( ~bewesibar(“0 = 1”)),
> If I don’t prove the false (= I am consistent) then I don’t prove that I 
> am consistent.
> But the soul, that is the first person, the one conscious, is the knower, 
> and Theaetetus’ defined it y the conjunction of the (rational) belief with 
> truth. Arithmetical truth cannot be defined in arithmetic, making the soul 
> not definable  by the machine. It is not even identifiable to any third 
> person describable object. This using only the notion of Truth given by 
> Tarski.
> Gödel’s incompleteness makes “provability” into a relative notion of 
> believability (which can be wrong), so the soul’s logic will be given by 
> []p & p: the conjunction of the belief with the (no definable) truth.
> The observable is provided by a weakening, still imposed by 
> incompleteness: []p & ~[]f, where we add the consistency condition, which 
> indeed is a requirement to have a notion of “by default probabilities”. 
> The (halting) computations are modelled by the sigma_1 sentences in 
> arithmetic, thanks to the normal form there of Kleene. The confirmation 
> (not proof, of course) is given by the fact that the logics of []p & p, []p 
> & <>p, ans []p & <>p & p, gives quantum logic when p is restricted to the 
> sigma_1 sentences.
> (*) (the Escherichia Coli of the Löbian machine, although the “experts” 
> use a much weaker one, called Delta_0 EXP (they add the exponentiation 
> axiom, and limit the induction axioms on the entirely testable formula (the 
> recursive or total computable formula).
> *I have difficulty giving you the benefit of the doubt if you believe in a 
> silly theory such as the MWI. AG *
> If the Schroedinger wave equation is correct, and you believe it (or 
> assume it for the sake of a reasoning) you have to believe/accept the MW. 
> You might add metaphysical assumptions to select one world, like you can 
> add epicyles to make the Earth at the center of the Solar system. Bohm 
> added a hardly covariant potential, and Copenhagen added the collapse of 
> the wave, making something not obeying to the SWE.
> With mechanism there is no “ontological worlds” at all, but you do have 
> the many-computations (a purely arithmetical notion, (if you accept the 
> Church-Turing thesis, and thus still believe in your table of additions and 
> multiplications. The wave equation should result from the sum on all 
> computations in arithmetic.
> Mechanism predicts that when looking around below your substitution level, 
> things will get fuzzy, as you will only see the map of the infinitely many 
> possible continuations, which explains the origin of the quantum weirdness.
> The many worlds, including ours is only in "the head" of all sound 
> universal machine, if mechanism is true.
> Bruno

*Thanks for the data dump. It's way above my head, so not so far above that 
I can't see the virtue of using arithmetic logic as a starting point for a 
new take on reality. I might buy the Kindle version of your book, 
translated by Russell.  You might be wrong, but I give you credit for 
tackling the arguably most intractable problem; the mind-body problem. Keep 
in truckin'! AG*

>> More on this later, perhaps.
>> Bruno 
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