On Sun, Jun 17, 2018 at 6:26 AM, <agrayson2...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sunday, June 17, 2018 at 10:15:05 AM UTC, Jason wrote:
>> On Sun, Jun 17, 2018 at 12:12 AM, <agrays...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> * why do you prefer the MWI compared to the Transactional
>>> Interpretation? I see both as absurd. so I prefer to assume the wf is just
>>> epistemic, and/or that we have some holes in the CI which have yet to be
>>> resolved. AG *
>>> --
>> 1. It's the simplest theory: "MWI" is just the Schrodinger equation,
>> nothing else. (it doesn't say Schrodinger's equation only applies
>> sometimes, or only at certain scales)
>> 2. It explains more while assuming less (it explains the appearance of
>> collapse, without having to assume it, thus is preferred by Occam's razor)
>> 3. Like every other successful physical theory, it is linear, reversible
>> (time-symmetric), continuous, deterministic and does not require faster
>> than light influences nor retrocausalities
>> 4. Unlike single-universe or epistemic interpretations, "WF is real" with
>> MWI is the only way we know how to explain the functioning of quantum
>> computers (now up to 51 qubits)
>> 5. Unlike copenhagen-type theories, it attributes no special physical
>> abilities to observers or measurement devices
>> 6. Most of all, theories of everything that assume a reality containing
>> all possible observers and observations lead directly to laws/postulates of
>> quantum mechanics (see Russell Standish's Theory of Nothing
>> <http://www.hpcoders.com.au/theory-of-nothing.pdf>, Chapter 7 and
>> Appendix D).
>> Given #6, we should revise our view. It is not MWI and QM that should
>> convince us of many worlds, but rather the assumption of many worlds (an
>> infinite and infinitely varied reality) that gives us, and *explains *all
>> the weirdness of QM. This should overwhelmingly convince us of MWI-type
>> everything theories over any single-universe interpretation of quantum
>> mechanics, which is not only absurd, but completely devoid of explanation.
>> With the assumption of a large reality, QM is made explainable and
>> understandable: as a theory of observation within an infinite reality.
>> Jason
> *You forgot #7. It asserts multiple, even infinite copies of an observer,
> replete with memories, are created when an observer does a simple quantum
> experiment. So IMO the alleged "cure" is immensely worse than the disease,
> CI, that is, just plain idiotic. AG *
There are many atoms, many planets, many solar systems, many galaxies, many
Hubble volumes, and it is believed many universes.  On what basis are you
so certain there aren't many histories? (That is, other states in the wave
function that are predicted to be there by our well established scientific
theories, but which the theory explains we cannot see or interact with
except in very limited controlled manners)?

If you find MWI distasteful you might prefer to think of it as the
many-minds interpretation as described by Heinz-Dieter Zeh, or the
"zero-universe interpretation" as explained by Ron Garrett:

I think you are hung up on the "creation", I think it is conceptually
easier to grasp under the understanding that it is all already there.  If
you look at the homepage of Wei Dai (who founded this e-mailing list
<http://www.weidai.com/everything.html> 20 years ago) he outlines what he
calls "a very simple interpretation of quantum mechanics
<http://www.weidai.com/qm-interpretation.txt>" which is basically this: all
the states are already there.


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