On 7/6/2018 8:38 PM, Bruce Kellett wrote:
From: *Brent Meeker* <meeke...@verizon.net <mailto:meeke...@verizon.net>>

On 7/6/2018 4:54 PM, Bruce Kellett wrote:
I am not sure I understand the idea of being in the same world when space-like separated.

Who said anything like that? They end up in the same world when they meet. Or do you disagree with that as well?

Certainly the two people who meet are in the same quasi-classical world.  But when decoherence happened to the two people who were space-like separated wasn't that decoherence at Alice in general different from the decoherence at Bob?  From Zurek's quantum Darwinism view, at each end there will be a very large number of different states reached by decoherence (Zurek proposes to recover the Born rule as statistices over these) but the decoherence effects will spread at roughly the speed of light and eventually overlap.  When they overlap they will in general be incompatible so the Alice and Bob corresponding to those, can never meet.  Only those, if there are any, which decohered compatibly AND have the contra-Bell correlations in their notebooks can meet. What happened to those that decohered incompatibly?...they are traced out to zero?

Decoherence is a local phenomenon, spreading at the speed of light or less. But that does not necessarily mean that the spacelike separated people are in different worlds. At any particular instant of GMT, you in California are spacelike separated from me in Australia. But that does not mean we are in different worlds, and does not prevent us from meeting at some time in the future. Consequently, when the decoherence from an event at Alice meets the decoherence from another event at Bob, they may or may not be in the same world. It is not the compatibility of the decoherence that is at issue, but the branches of the wave function on which the particular measurement results put them that can be incompatible. Separate decohered branches can never meet. It is not that they are traced out to zero -- it is that they are separate disjoint worlds.

There is an additional complication present in the measurements on EPR pairs. Given that Alice measured 'up', either 'up' or 'down' for Bob is compatible if the polarizers are aligned at some intermediate angle. So Alice _up and Bob_up can be in the same world. And Alice_up and Bob_down can be in the same world. But since Bob has split, these cannot be the same worlds overall. The crucial point for recovering the quantum correlations is the corresponding probabilities -- the probability for Bob to have recorded 'up' when Alice's lab book shows 'up' is generally different from the probability that Bob's book shows 'down' in this situation. For any particular trial, there is no way of knowing these probabilities, or of knowing which of the two Bob-worlds are compatible with the Alice-world. This only shows up in the expectation values over a large sequence of trials. It is explaining the origin of these probabilities that is the challenge for any proposed local account of the EPR correlations. And many-worlds signally fails to provide any such explanation. Many-worlders are content with waving their hands over multiple entanglements and incompatible worlds, but they never get down to the nitty-gritty of explaining the probabilities.

As I understand Zurek's quantum Darwinism there are many (e.g. ~10^30) quantum threads corresponding to each sequence of entries in Alice's notebooks.  A probable entry sequence has more threads and hence more measure than an improbable one.  So "Alice and her notebook reading u,u,d,u...d,u,d,d,d" is a classical thing that exists as many quantum threads that are classically indistinguishable and so constitute one FAPP classical world. Similarly for Bob.  So where the forward light cones of their last measurements overlap, most of these quantum threads must trace out to zero and leave only those whose measures satisfy both the Born rule and the correlations that violate Bell.  This "tracing out" is what adjusts the relative proportion of Alice/Bob pair meetings so that the proper statistics are realized.


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