From: *Bruno Marchal* < <>>

We both agree that there is FTL signalling. What I say is that there is no FTL influence at all, in EPR, when developed in the Everett theory. I don’t see it. When they are space-separated, given they don’t know in which branch they are, they can find result which would violate Bell’s inequality, but this means that they will never met. Each Alice and Bob will only met those correlated to them. All interactions are local. No mysterious magic forcing the result of Bob or Alice to influence the outcome of the others. We need to take into account the many numbers of Alice (Bob), because none knows in which branch they are. They know only that they are correlated, and that means only that when they come back they will observe those correlations, but as there has not been any collapse, that is explained entirely by local interactions, as they were in the right branch at the start, due to the preparation of the singlet state.

I think you mean 'no' FTL signalling in the first sentence.

It is not really a matter of branches when looked at from the point at which Alice and Bob meet. They bring to this meeting a world line -- a personal history, a path through these branching events. They are each like someone who has undergone multiple duplications, ending in either M or W each time. Each diary will contain some sequence of WWMWMM.... and so on. There are 2^N such sequences for N duplications, each of the 2^N copies at the end of this has one sequence. It is exactly the same for a sequence of binary quantum measurements in MWI. At the end, when an Alice and a Bob meet, they carry with them their world lines -- their particular sequences of '1' and '0' results.

By starting from the final meeting point, we can unravel the chain of events without getting confused as to which branch anyone is in. After N trials, there are 2^N such meetings. The recording in lab books and walking to the meeting between the experimenters is all local. No question about this. And in every such meeting, the comparison of lab books will reveal results that /always/ agree with the quantum correlations and violate the Bell inequalities. There are no surplus branches that have to be discarded by some mechanism. All branches at this stage are good.

Where you are going wrong is in saying that they were in the right branch at the start -- due to the properties of the singlet state. This is misleading you, because you are not explaining how the correlations arise at spacelike separations when the polarizer angles are set at random. Sure, this is a property of the singlet state in standard QM, because Alice's measurement collapses the state so that only the correlated part is available to Bob. It is that part of the explanation that is lacking in your account. You do not see any non-locality, basically because you are assuming it with being aware of what you are doing. Don't despair -- many other highly trained physicists do exactly the same thing. But this does mean that you have not explained anything -- you have simply assumed the result. The individual measurements of Alice and Bob do influence each other, or else no correlation could ever arise. This a logical consequence of a correlation between two independent events. /Independent/ means /no correlation/. Here we have spacelike separated events that do show a correlation. Consequently, the assumption of locality is not tenable, even though we appear to have only local interactions. Whatever you say about branching or Everett is not going to alter the basic logic of this situation.

I think that after all these exchanges it is unlikely that you are ever going to be able to accept this fact. But I do assure you that it is a fact.


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