> On 27 Aug 2018, at 20:02, agrayson2...@gmail.com wrote:
> On Saturday, August 25, 2018 at 9:11:47 AM UTC-6, John Clark wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 25, 2018 at 2:21 AM <agrays...@gmail.com <javascript:>> wrote:
> >I plan to study Cantor's theorem on the Internet and compare it with your 
> >proof.
> Every time Bruno useless a personal pronoun in the "proof" that involves 
> people duplicating machines ask yourself what exactly is the referent. If you 
> can figure it out let me know because I can't and neither can Bruno.
> John K Clark
> Thanks. I'll keep that in mind when I study Cantor's theorem, by Cantor and 
> Bruno. I've always been fascinated with the levels of infinity discovered by 
> great mathematicians, whom I hold in the highest esteem. AG 

OK Grayson. 

So why is Church’s thesis a miracle?

Are you OK with this what follows?

If a set is enumerable (which means that there is some bijection between that 
set and N) then any of its subset is finite or enumerable. OK? That follows 
from the fact that a subset cannot have more elements than the set it is a 
subset from. That is intuitively obvious, but unfortunately our intuition of 
infinie sets has often been shown inconsistent, so today some definition of 
sets are provided, and in that setting the fact alluded above becomes a 
consequence of a well known theorem in set theory (Cantor-Bernstein-Schrceder 
I don’t want to delve into set theories. Later I can explain why I prefer to 
put set theory, analysis, and physics in the psychological tool of the 
universal machine.

So, why Church’s thesis is a miracle? Read what follow at ease. Study it. Ask 
*any* question.

A function is computable if we can explain to a dumb (but docile) human being 
how to compute it, on any of its argument. This assumes some universal language 
in which we can describe how to compute the functions. 

A weakening of Church’s thesis is that such a universal language exist. Church 
thesis itself was “lambda calculus” is a universal language, (and thus in which 
we can define and compute all computable functions from N to N.)

This means that each computable function will have some code, or program, our 
description of how to compute them, and this entails that the set of computable 
functions from N to N is enumerable.

This means that there is a bijection between them and N.

This means there is a sequence, denoted by f_i, of all computable functions 
from N to N, f_0, f_1, f_2, f_3, …

Now consider the function g defined by g(n) = f_n(n) + 1.   (f_n(n) means f_n 
applied to n)

That function cannot be computable! 

If it is, it would be in the list, and there would be a number k such that g = 

But then g(k) = f_k(k) =  f_k(k) + 1, and again, as all f_k are function from N 
to N, f_k(k) is a number that we can subtract on both sides, so we get 0 = 1. 
Contradiction. That function g cannot be computable.

Now, g(n) is f_n(n) + 1. Each f_n is computable (by definition!) and so each 
f_n(n) can be computed, and adding one is certainly computable, so, the only 
thing which can be NOT computable is the bijection itself. 

This means that the f_i, although enumerable, are not recursively enumerable. 
If a universal language exist, then it cannot compute the enumeration of all 
computable function from N to N.

But is there a universal language? 

When Church said that lambda calculus can compute all computable functions, 
Kleene thought he would quickly refute that pretension to universality for 
computability, by a simple diagonalisation. That failed, and invented the 
expression “Church’s thesis”, and an ardent enthusiast of it. He saw also that 
it entails incompleteness.

The only possibility which remains consistent with the diagonalisation above is 
that the language will describe more objects than the computable functions from 
N to N.

Take any universal programming language. They are truly universal with respect 
to computability if we assume Church’s thesis. 

But here we *can* enumerate the functions from N to N in that language, except 
for a little problem which will be soon clear. We get an enumeration of such 
functions, by enumerating the programs lexicographically. In that case we get 
an algorithmic sequence of the one we denoted phi_i (in the standard 

What happens with g defined by phi_n(n) + 1 ? Now, it is thoroughly 
programmable, because the phi_i  can be algorithmically generated by  the 
lexicographical algorithm: we do have the language! As I said, as we dispose of 
the language we can enumerate them mechanically, computably.

So, in this case, g does belong to the phi_i, and thus there is a number k such 
that g = phi_k.

And what happens if we apply g on k, i.e. phi_k on k?

Well, we get that phi_k(k) = phi_k(k) + 1, but we are saved from the 
contradiction, because phi_k(k) will never stop. phi_k(k) is no more a number, 
and we can’t subtract that  on both sides of the equation. What happened is 
that we crash the computer. 

And what really happens is worst than that. The language might be universal, 
but then the functions from N to N are distributed in a non computable manner 
among a more general notion of function, which are functions with subset of N 
as domain, and are not defined elsewhere, meaning that the computer will never 
stop in many case. That is essentially what we first proved: the computable 
functions from N to N is not recursively enumerable, so not only a universal 
machine can crash, but there is no effective theories capable of predicting 
this in advance for arbitrary arguments. Universality confronts the machine to 
the Unknown. 

Now, what Turing discovered is that when you have a universal language, and 
thus a universal machinery phi_i, it exist a number u such that phi_u(<i,j)> = 
phi_i(j), where <I,j> is some coding of the couple of numbers i j like 2^i* 
3^j. That u is the universal program or machine. It means that a universal 
language can described itself, like it can describe and compute any other 
universal language, and any universal machine can imitate exactly (emulate) any 
other universal machines. There are compiling and interpreting theorems in 
between them. 

Now, what can seem extraordinary, but is known since long, is that very 
elementary arithmetic is Turing universal, and if you are OK with the idea that 
2+2=4 is true independently of you, all computations exist, and stop or not, 
with some growing in complexity, in arithmetic, independently of you, and its 
leads to a problem similar to the measurement problem in physics. No universal 
machine can be sure which machine she is, and they know that their soul has 
many relative representations.

You can see the set of total computable functions (those from N to N) as the 
“Controllable” or “Security”. The price to get all of it consists in allowing 
the non controllable, which is Liberty, I mean Universality. All universal 
machine discover this by self-referential thinking/reasoning. 

Note this answered your question, Grayson. Either a code describe a function 
from N to N, or a strictly partial function. But there is no algorithm capable 
of telling so, and all theories will only scratch the who is who identify of 
functions and programs. The semantic of programs is an appetiser for the more 
complex mind-body problem.

Read this post until you are sure you see well what happens. It is a short 
reasoning which shows that universality has a big price as it makes truth (even 
the arithmetical truth) transcendental, unknown and full or surprises. We can 
only scratch the surface.

Then the Löbian machine are those universal machine which knows that they are 
universal, and so get acquainted with the consequences (the infinite, the non 
provable, the non observable, …). Here there is a second miracle, which is that 
the propositional part of the theology is decidable! It is sum up by a modal 
logic G*, which decomposes itself in many different modes, due to 
incompleteness. More than 4 good books have been written around those logic, 
arithmetical self-reference is an “old” branch of mathematical logic.

It might help to avoid usual traps in that domain. 
It is also testable as the observable is described by one of those modes, so we 
can compare with the empirical reality, and it fits up to now.

I will illustre many of this with the combinators. In fact I will show that 
each universal machinery phi_i transforms the set of natural numbers into a 
combinatory algebra.  The basic idea is very simple: define (i j) by phi_i(j). 
Then the SMN theorem can be used to recover the needed curryfication. This also 
shows a relation which run deep between the combinators and programming 

To sum up: Church thesis is a miracle because it can be consistent only if some 
(quickly many) definable relations get absolutely uncomputable, like the 
enumeration of the computable functions from N to N. 
Being a computable function from N to N, is not a computable predicate!


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