On Mon, Oct 15, 2018 at 6:40 AM <agrayson2...@gmail.com> wrote:

*> What puzzles me is this; why would the Founders assume that a system in
> a superposition is in all component states simultaneously -- contradicting
> the intuitive appeal of Einstein realism*

Because in physics experiment is king, and however intuitive naive realism
may be something conflicts with it, We know from experimental results that
Bell's Inequality is violated, therefore we know for certain that if the
universe is deterministic then it can't be both local and realistic, at
least one of those 2 things must be false. I don't see how locality could
be wrong. If things were non-local a change anywhere would instantly change
everything everywhere and the effect would be undiminished by distance, so
before you could understand anything you'd have to understand everything.
We certainly don't know everything but we do know something and I don't see
how we could if things were non-local. And if things are not realistic then
the moon doesn't exist when nobody is looking at it, and that seems like
too high a price to pay for determinism.

Actually if Everett is right then you could have all 3 to the multiverse's
point of view because it evolves according to the wave equation and that is
completely deterministic, but that's a bit of a cheat because you can't
have an observer outside of the multiverse looking in at it.

> >*when that assumption is not used in calculating probabilities*

It doesn't matter what your favorite quantum interpretation is or what your
philosophical ideas about determinism locality and realism are, we all
calculate the same way and get the same probability. Everybody agrees about
how the world behaves but disagree about why it behaves that way. However
nobody has performed an exparament that can decide which of the various
interpretations is correct, and most working physicists aren't very
interested in philosophy, and that's why most favor the "shut up and
calculate" quantum interpretation.

 John K Clark

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