On Tuesday, April 2, 2019 at 3:19:36 AM UTC-5, Bruno Marchal wrote:
> On 1 Apr 2019, at 20:08, Philip Thrift <cloud...@gmail.com <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
> On Monday, April 1, 2019 at 11:46:25 AM UTC-5, Bruno Marchal wrote:
>> On 31 Mar 2019, at 19:50, Philip Thrift <cloud...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Sunday, March 31, 2019 at 11:58:46 AM UTC-5, Bruno Marchal wrote:
>>> On 30 Mar 2019, at 07:15, Philip Thrift <cloud...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> https://thenewstack.io/which-programming-languages-use-the-least-electricity/
>>> Which language one uses makes a physical difference.
>>> That is correct, interesting for the application, but not directly 
>>> relevant for the “ontological problem” and the mind-body problem.
>>> Physics is not able to make any prediction without assuming something 
>>> (what exactly) capable of selecting our computation in arithmetic. 
>>> Theologically, it still invoke an ontology, which cannot be done when doing 
>>> science.
>>> The fact that efficient computation “survives”, and non efficient do 
>>> not, requires magic if the environnement does not map the finitely many 
>>> accessible histories at (or below) our substitution level.
>>> A quantum computation does not require any energy, note. And both 
>>> observation, and mechanism seems to force the physical reality into a 
>>> combinatory algebra without Kestrel (Kxy = x, which eliminates the 
>>> information in y), nor Starling S (Sxyz = xz(yz)) nor any duplicator (no 
>>> Mocking Bird like M, Mx = xx). Information cannot be physically created, 
>>> nor eliminated, nor duplicated. 
>>> We can still have Turing universality without eliminators. Yet we lost 
>>> Turing universality when we have no eliminators and no duplicators, but we 
>>> can regain it with adding “measurement” modal operator (internally defined, 
>>> or not). That is the combinatory BCI algebra, with a core physics where 
>>> energy is a constant, and computations use no energy, yet relative 
>>> subcomputation are allowed to make relative measurement, leading to 
>>> apparent (indexical) breaking of the core laws, and apparent elimination of 
>>> “memories”. There are Turing universal group and group have natural mesure 
>>> theory associated with them, but again, such group must be justified 
>>> mathematically (and theologically to get the private (first person) parts 
>>> not eliminated). 
>>> Thinking of group, I have said that physics is a symphony played by the 
>>> number 0, 1, e, PI, gamma, and with the number 24 has chief orchestra. To 
>>> be honest, my motivation comes more from physics and number theory than 
>>> from Metamathematics (mathematical logic, machine theology), and it makes 
>>> me nervous that the number theorist stumble on the right physics before the 
>>> theologian (leading to an arithmeticalism still capable of eliminating the 
>>> first person for awhile). Here is a nice video where John Baez explains 
>>> well why he likes 24 too, and its main role in String Theory (the Riemann 
>>> regularisation). I think about this when mentioning group theory, as 24 is 
>>> related to the Monster Group and Moonshine (where deep relation occurs 
>>> between fundamental physics and number theory).
>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzjbRhYjELo
>>> To be sure, my favorite reason to love 24 is more the one related to 
>>> Hardy Rademacher and Ramanujan exact formula for the number of partition of 
>>> a number. That plays also some role in fundamental chemistry and 
>>> classification of “orbitals” (or quantum stationary waves).
>>> Bruno
>> Every programming language has physical semantics 
>> But a term like physics has not yet understandable semantics. Carnap and 
>> Popper made some try in that direction, but it leads to many difficulties. 
>> It is part of the beauty of mechanism that it provides a semantic of the 
>> physical proposition, without invoking any ontological commitment (beyond 
>> the terms needed to have the notion of universal machine (in the 
>> Turing-Post-Church-Kleene sense).
>> -- which depends on its material computing substrate
>> That seems very weird to me. If something is a programming language, it 
>> can be implemented in a physical realm, but it is also implemented in the 
>> arithmetical realm, and anything emulated in that programming language 
>> cannot see any difference if the original emulator is the physical one or 
>> the arithmetical one. That is logically impossible, even without assuming 
>> mechanism.
>> If you want a dependence from the substrate, you need a non 
>> computaionalist theory of mind, and you need to singularise matter with 
>> actual infinities, a bit like lowing down the substitution level up to some 
>> real numbers and oracles with some infinite precision.
>> -- in addition to (substrate-independent) denotational and operational 
>> semantics . That includes quantum programming languages, like QASM [ 
>> https://arxiv.org/abs/1707.03429 ] (for IBM's Q computer).
>> Same remark. All quantum computers + oracle are simulated in the partial 
>> computable part of arithmetic, which (of course?) requires a vaster part of 
>> arithmetic to be studied and get semantics.
>> Bruno
> The example I refer to is the new programming paradigms of matter 
> programming: programs here are compiled into molecular structures that "go 
> out into the real world" and do things, like cure diseases. 
> Which real world? How would a machine distinguish this from an oracle, and 
> what are the evidence for such oracle? You can always add a god in a 
> scientific picture, but where are the evidences that this is not Turing 
> emulable, other than the fact that the first person attached to a machine 
> is already confronted to the non computable part of the arithmetical 
> reality. To invoke “God", or “real”, or “truth” is not valid in science, en 
> especially in metaphysics/theology.
> Mechanism is not the doctrine that we act like a this or that machine, but 
> that at some level of description, we don’t see the difference. No machine 
> can ever know-for-sure which machine she possibly could be, and this 
> introduce may non computable attribute to the machines.
> If matter programming is really programming, and not analogical rendering, 
> then it has to be Turing emulable. Quantum computing is certainly a 
> wonderful way to do programming, but it is entirely emulated in arithmetic 
> already. You have to show something in nature which is neither 
> programmable, nor recoverable by the first person indeterminacy of the 
> machine with respect to the infinitely many computations going through its 
> “current” indexically defined state of mind. If that exists, then what you 
> say is that there is a nature’s tautology violating the observable mode of 
> self-reference (Z1*, or X1*, or S4Grz1), but up to now, we have not found 
> such departure? Of course, the research here is infinite, but as long as no 
> departure is found, it remains speculative to mention it in a metaphysical 
> argument.
> My point is not a dense of mechanism, nor a critics of (weak) materialism. 
> Just that we can test this, and that up to now, the test are negative for 
> the presence of Matter (with a big M, it means Primary Matter).
> Bruno
> "Analogical rendering" is a perfectly good programming paradigm.

*Engineers Develop Analog Computing Compiler *

"The high-level language of the compiler makes use of differential 
equations, which are frequently used to describe biological systems."

"Researchers from MIT have presented a new compiler designed for analog 
computers. The compiler, called Arco, takes sets of differential equations 
as its input and translates them into circuits in programmable analog 

- pt

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