On Mon, May 20, 2019 at 2:01 PM Philip Thrift <cloudver...@gmail.com> wrote:

> *> If a program (multi-core x86 code) running on a zillion-processor Intel
> Core computer can be conscious, then the proposition of "Chinese room" is
> wrong.*

You want to prove that only wet squishy things can be conscious. You ask
that little man (who happens to have a wet squishy brain) in that gigantic
room if he is conscious on knowing Chinese and he says no. The only wet
squishy thing in that humongous room is in the little man and* you assume*
only wet squishy things can be conscious and so *conclude* that there is no
consciousness of Chinese in that astronomically large room.

Assuming what you want to prove is not only wrong its STUPID.

John K Clark

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