On Thursday, July 11, 2019 at 1:29:38 PM UTC-5, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:
> "A certain artist, having escaped from the lunatic asylum in which, 
> rightly or wrongly, he had be confined, purchased the materials of his 
> craft and set to work to make a complete picture of the universe." 
> ... 
> "The interpretation of this parable is sufficiently obvious. The artist 
> is trying to describe in his picture a creature equipped with all the 
> knowledge which he himself possesses, symbolizing that knowledge by the 
> picture which the pictured creature would draw. And it becomes 
> abundantly evident that the knowledge thus pictured must always be less 
> the than the knowledge employed in making the picture. In other words, 
> the mind which any human science can describe can never be an adequate 
> representation of the mind which can make that science. And the process 
> of correcting that inadequacy must follow the serial steps of an 
> infinite regress." 
> https://scienceforartists.wordpress.com/2011/09/20/artist-and-picture-by-j-w-dunne/

In the wake of Kant.

cf. Rorty, Goff. 


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