On Tue, Sep 10, 2019 at 7:17 AM Lawrence Crowell <
goldenfieldquaterni...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Algorithms are if anything formal systems of reasoning. A computer
> follows a sequenced set of logical instructions that emulate reasoning,

I don't see the difference between emulating reasoning and just reasoning.

> and could be said to be a scripted system of reasoning.

With modern AI the "script" is constantly improving through self
modification. The primitive script AlphaZero used to play GO when it
started was vastly different from the script it had 24 hours later after
playing millions of games against itself; when it started a child could
beat it but a day later no human could. When it started a human computer
scientist could tell you why the program did what it did but after a day it
no longer could, all he could say is the move was brilliant.

> > What is more difficult to know is if there is anything really conscious
> in this.

It's exactly precisely the same problem as determining if one of our fellow
human beings is conscious when he behaves intelligently. I think you're
conscious because my fundamental axiom is intelligent behavior implies
consciousness; I need that axiom because without it there is only solipsism
and I could not function under that.

 John K Clark

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