On Tuesday, November 12, 2019 at 2:06:01 PM UTC-7, Alan Grayson wrote:
> On Tuesday, November 12, 2019 at 12:14:26 PM UTC-7, Philip Thrift wrote:
>> On Tuesday, November 12, 2019 at 8:28:22 AM UTC-6, Alan Grayson wrote:
>>> On Tuesday, November 12, 2019 at 1:24:44 AM UTC-7, Philip Thrift wrote:
>>>> On Monday, November 11, 2019 at 5:58:30 PM UTC-6, Alan Grayson wrote:
>>>>> On Monday, November 11, 2019 at 2:52:25 PM UTC-7, Philip Thrift wrote:
>>>>>> On Monday, November 11, 2019 at 3:44:24 PM UTC-6, Alan Grayson wrote:
>>>>>>> In the case of a radioactive atom in state |decayed> + |undecayed>, 
>>>>>>> what's the justification and advantage of the interpretation that it's 
>>>>>>> in 
>>>>>>> both states simultaneously? AG 
>>>>>> None, since it isn't.
>>>>>> @philipthrift 
>>>>> But doesn't the either/or situation imply no interference? AG 
>>>> In the case of radium atom decay or no-decay which kills or doesn't 
>>>> kill the cat, there is no interference of the two possible histories (as I 
>>>> understand what physically is going on). Only one history survives.
>>>> @philipthrift
>>> Forget about the cat. For the radioactive source, can it ever be decayed 
>>> and undecayed simultaneously, and if so, why? AG 
>> No.
>> It can "be" *possibly-decayed* and *possibly-undecayed *simultaneously.
>> That's as much as we can model the quantum nature of it.
>> @philipthrift
> I think that's the statistical interpretation of the wf. Doesn't that 
> imply there is no interference? AG 

I think if one uses what I believe is the statistical interpretation of the 
wf, one is asserting that the wf tells us about our knowledge of the 
system, and nothing more; that is, the epistemological interpretation of 
the wf, not the ontological interpretation -- which leads to, say, the 
paradox of the radioactive source being IN two contradictory states 
simultaneously. OTOH, I seem to recall reading that the statistical (or 
epistemological)  interpretation has been generally rejected, possibly 
because it denies the existence of interference.  What's your assessment? 

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