On Wed, Nov 27, 2019 at 7:36 AM Bruce Kellett <bhkellet...@gmail.com> wrote:

*> Of course. It is well known that global energy is not conserved in a
> non-static universe; where there is no time-like Killing vector field. But
> that was not the issue I was addressing. Energy is conserved locally, even
> in GR with a non-static universe. So is it conserved in each branch of the
> wave function separately?*

I'm not sure why you care what a Troll like me thinks but you just answered
your own question if by "locally" you mean one particular branch of the
multiverse. We live in a non-static universe so energy is not conserved, so
obviously energy is not conserved in each branch of the wave function,
although it may be approximately conserved at smaller scales.

> *> Or only in the total wave function, as Deutsch (and Carroll) seem to
> suggest?*

If you insist you can jerry-rigged things and shoehorn global energy
conservation in by multiplying the energy in each branch by the square of
the absolute value of the amplitude of that branch in the universal wave
function of the entire multiverse, but what would be the point? I can't see
how that approach could lead to anything constructive. It seems to me it
would be better to just say energy conservation is not a very useful idea
when applied at the cosmological level.

 John K Clark

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