On Saturday, March 28, 2020 at 5:38:33 PM UTC-6, Lawrence Crowell wrote:
> On Saturday, March 28, 2020 at 5:27:51 AM UTC-5, Alan Grayson wrote:
>> On Wednesday, March 25, 2020 at 4:25:43 PM UTC-6, Lawrence Crowell wrote:
>>> On Wednesday, March 25, 2020 at 2:17:39 PM UTC-5, Alan Grayson wrote:
>>>> On Wednesday, March 25, 2020 at 9:57:44 AM UTC-6, Lawrence Crowell 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On Wednesday, March 25, 2020 at 10:24:30 AM UTC-5, Alan Grayson wrote:
>>>>>> On Wednesday, March 25, 2020 at 2:58:45 AM UTC-6, Lawrence Crowell 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> On Wednesday, March 25, 2020 at 1:28:21 AM UTC-5, Alan Grayson wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Tuesday, March 24, 2020 at 6:21:50 PM UTC-6, Lawrence Crowell 
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On Tuesday, March 24, 2020 at 6:19:41 PM UTC-5, Alan Grayson wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On Monday, March 23, 2020 at 9:35:48 AM UTC-6, Lawrence Crowell 
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Inflation was initiate 10^{-35}sec after the quantum fluctuation 
>>>>>>>>>>> appearance of the observable cosmos, and this had a duration of 
>>>>>>>>>>> 10^{-30}sec. The cosmological constant averaged around Λ = 
>>>>>>>>>>> 10^{48}m^{-2}. 
>>>>>>>>>>> If I divide by the speed of light squared this comes to 
>>>>>>>>>>> 10^{32}s^{-2} and 
>>>>>>>>>>> we get √(Λ)T = 10^{2}. This means any spatial region expanded by a 
>>>>>>>>>>> factor 
>>>>>>>>>>> of 10^{√(Λ)T} which is large. The natural log of this is 230 
>>>>>>>>>>> and this is not too far off from the more precise calculation of 60 
>>>>>>>>>>> e-folds. The 60 e-folds is a phenomenological fit that matches 
>>>>>>>>>>> inflation 
>>>>>>>>>>> with the observed universe.
>>>>>>>>>>> How much of the universe is unavailable depends upon whether k = 
>>>>>>>>>>> -1, 0 or 1. The furthest out some quantum might emerge and have an 
>>>>>>>>>>> influence is for a Planck scale quantum to now be inflated to the 
>>>>>>>>>>> CMB 
>>>>>>>>>>> scale. I know I have gone through this here before, but the result 
>>>>>>>>>>> is the 
>>>>>>>>>>> furthest we can detect anything is around 1800 billion light years, 
>>>>>>>>>>> which 
>>>>>>>>>>> would be a graviton or quantum black hole that leaves an imprint or 
>>>>>>>>>>> signature on the CMB. It is not possible from theory to know what 
>>>>>>>>>>> percentage this is of the entire shebang, and for k = -1 or 0 it is 
>>>>>>>>>>> an 
>>>>>>>>>>> infinitesimal part.
>>>>>>>>>>> LC
>>>>>>>>>> For k=0, a flat universe, we know the answer since, as you've 
>>>>>>>>>> acknowledged, it's infinite in spatial extent.  Consequently, since 
>>>>>>>>>> the 
>>>>>>>>>> observable universe is finite in spatial extent, the unobserved 
>>>>>>>>>> universe 
>>>>>>>>>> must be infinite in extent (for a flat universe). Can you estimate 
>>>>>>>>>> the size 
>>>>>>>>>> of the unobservable universe for a positively curved universe? AG
>>>>>>>>> The cosmological constant is a Ricci curvature with Λ = R_{tt} for 
>>>>>>>>> the flat k = 0 case. for k = 1 there is a spatial Ricci curvature 
>>>>>>>>> R_{rr}. 
>>>>>>>>> This contributes to the occurrence of the cosmological constant, 
>>>>>>>>> but it is tiny. So R_{rr} = δR_{tt} for δ a rather small number. The 
>>>>>>>>> spatial sphere has a radius R = 1/√(R_{rr}} ≈ 1/√(δΛ). This is 
>>>>>>>>> then for Λ = 10^{-52}m^{-2} R ≈ δ^{-1/2} 10^{26}m, or about the 
>>>>>>>>> distance to the cosmological horizon multiplied by the reciprocal of 
>>>>>>>>> a 
>>>>>>>>> small number. 
>>>>>>>>> The problem is that we really do not what that small number is. 
>>>>>>>>> For various reasons I think it is δ < 5×10^{-5}This gives a 
>>>>>>>>> radius where a Planck frequency is redshifted to a CMB scale. If it 
>>>>>>>>> is 
>>>>>>>>> smaller then there are regions of the universe completely 
>>>>>>>>> inaccessible to 
>>>>>>>>> us even as Planck modes redshifted to the cosmic horizon scale.
>>>>>>>>> LC
>>>>>>>> FWIW, another reason I think our universe has a positive curvature 
>>>>>>>> is that if it were flat, with zero curvature, and we made many 
>>>>>>>> measurements, we'd get a distribution of measured values above and 
>>>>>>>> below 
>>>>>>>> zero due to unavoidable measurement errors. But I think we invariably 
>>>>>>>> get a 
>>>>>>>> small positive number. Is this what we actually get; values always 
>>>>>>>> positive 
>>>>>>>> but close to zero, but no negative values? TIA,AG 
>>>>>>> As yet attempt to find optical results due to spatial curvature have 
>>>>>>> not found anything. The curvature of spacetime is mostly due to how 
>>>>>>> space 
>>>>>>> is embedded in spacetime.
>>>>>>> LC
>>>>>> But you haven't directly addressed my hypothesis regarding the 
>>>>>> measurements. AG 
>>>>> So far as I know there is no signal above the noise on this.
>>>>> LC
>>>> Do the measurements show a spread around zero, including of course 
>>>> negative values, or just positive values close to zero? This is where the 
>>>> rubber hits the road IMO. If no negative results, there is the suggestion 
>>>> the curvature is NOT zero. AG 
>>> There is a spread, but that is noise. Statistical variances of error 
>>> convey no information. 
>> Are you sure? If the curvature is zero, there would be symmetric noise 
>> around the value of zero. OTOH, if the curvature is positive we might get 
>> asymmetric noise; that is, few values in the negative range. Also, don't 
>> you think the finite age of the universe argues against a flat universe 
>> (for reasons previously argued)? AG
> Very sure. Please look up Gaussian variance. Errors in data carry no 
> information other than the spread of error.
> LC

In the model suggested, the randomness of the errors could indicate the 
location of the mean value. It's called thinking out-of-the-box. AG 

>> So far we really do not know. In fact, if you think about it, no matter 
>>> now accurately we measure the curvature of space, say by cosmic lensing 
>>> etc, we can never absolutely verify k = 0. We might be able to get k = 1, 
>>> if that is the case and the radius of curvature not too huge. If the 
>>> universe is absolutely flat we can never know that with complete certainty.
>>> LC

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