On Monday, May 11, 2020 at 12:42:03 AM UTC-6, Bruce wrote:
> On Mon, May 11, 2020 at 4:24 PM Alan Grayson <agrays...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Thinking further about this, I prefer my original hypothesis above, that 
>> the cosmological red-shift doesn't imply real loss of energy. It's just an 
>> apparent effect due to relative motion, the usual Doppler shift. AG
> The cosmologist Ted Bunn has a theory something like this: it involves 
> selecting a particular way of parallel transporting the light from the 
> distant galaxies to us so that the red shift can be interpreted as a 
> Doppler shift. I have no references, but I think he has a web site or blog 
> where he discusses this. It is not a popular theory.
> Bruce

Maybe you can offer an opinion; is there anything in the data that 
indicates the so-called cosmological redshift is not simply Doppler shift 
due to recession? TIA, AG 

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