On Thu, Sep 10, 2020 at 5:36 AM Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

>>> *It has a perfectly clear referent,*

>> If it were perfectly clear then why doesn't Bruno Marchal use the refere
>> nt in Bruno Marchal's thought experiments rather than a personal pronoun?
>> John Clark has been asking Bruno Marchal to do that for years but Bruno
>> Marchal absolutely refuses.
> >*That is incorrect. I gave you the answer for year, but it asks for
> distinguishing the 1p and the 3p*

And that is absolutely positively 100% impossible because in a world where
self duplication is common place there is no such thing as *THE* first

> >> And as John Clark has been saying for years, if "you" is duplicated
>> then there is no longer such a thing as "*THE* first person" there is
>> only "*A* first person”.
> *> Exactly, and that is the reason why in Helsinki, the guy cannot have
> any certainty other that “W v M”, *

It's not just Helsinki, if self duplication is commonplace then the guy
can't be certain in Moscow or Washington or anywhere or at anytime about
anything as long as you keep talking gibberish like *THE* first person.

*> For both copies, “the first person” is the one in the mirror they see
> themselves in the city they feel to be in.*

Then I guess you don't think the Helsinki man of yesterday survived because
today there is nobody in Helsinki and the mirror there is blank. I however
think that Helsinki man has survived because today there are not one but
two people who remember being him yesterday. If I were the Helsinki man I'd
say that's great, two is better than one.

> > *There are indeed two first person but each of them feel to be the
> first person *

Then I guess you've changed your mind after all these years and now believe
the first person Helsinki man will see both cities because this is all
about the Helsinki man, so the fact that the Washington man will not see
Moscow is irrelevant. The Helsinki man is the Washington man and the
Washington man is the Helsinki man, but the Washington man is not the
Moscow man.

 John K Clark

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