
Some have defended conventionalism in mathematics. I shown that hard to sustain 
in recursion/computability theory, and thus arithmetic. Here something which 
shows that it is hard to maintain conventionalism in the study of finite 

Groups (mainly set of symmetries) can be decomposed into some composition of 
“prime groups” (called simple group).

Who is the guy who decided that a all finite simple groups belong to either 18 
infinite families of groups, except for 26 exceptional one, the sporadic 
groups, which does not, and who decided conventionally that the biggest one is 
Monstruously big, the Monster, which has


All groups can be represented by a group of matrices, with the coefficients 
belonging to some field (usually the complex numbers), with the usual product 
of matrice. A field is itself a special sort of double group. (Not to confuse 
with quantum field, of filed of forces).
The minimal dimension needed for that representation is the dimension of the 
group. It is dimension of the space in which the element of the group represent 
the symmetries. 

The Monster group has dimension 196,883 with the matrix coefficient taken in 
the field of complex numbers, but it has dimension 196.882 on the field z_2 
with two elements {0, 1}.

Who decided that the dimension of the monster group is 196.882. Divine 
convention? Could a God makes this in another way?

It might play some role in physics, notably conformal fields, strings,… (cf 

A rather nice video on the Monster group is:


As I have explained, the non algorithmic distribution of the codes of the total 
computable function is enough kicking back for me to be realist on arithmetic, 
but the Monster group presents, I think, some difficulties for the 
conventionalist too.


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