On Tue, Jan 18, 2022 at 6:59 PM <spudboy...@aol.com> wrote:

> > *For solar you also are presuming, because I have this analysis that
> counters your assertion of dilute power, thus being insufficient. Kindly
> refute.  *
> https://news.climate.columbia.edu/2021/10/08/a-new-global-study-refines-estimates-of-rooftop-solar-potential/

I don't deny that if everybody had solar cells on their roofs it would be a
positive development, but it's not the ultimate answer to the energy
problem. The average residential roof size in the US is about 1,700 square
feet, and the average house needs about 10,715 kilowatts, a solar panel
under ideal conditions will produce about 15 watts per square foot and that
works out to about 25 kilowatts. So at noon on a clear day in the
summertime rooftop solar would produce about twice as much energy as the
house needs, but most of the time it would produce considerably less, and
half the time, at night, it would produce none at all.  And of course the
energy needed to run a house is only a small part of the total energy
budget human civilization needs, it doesn't include the energy needed to
run cars and planes and ships, and neither does it include the energy
needed to run industry. For example, even in today's most modern and most
efficient steel mills it takes about 6000 kilowatt hours of energy to
produce 1 ton of steel (older mills need 8000), and in 2020 the human race
produced 1.86 BILLION tons of steel. And the steel industry only uses 6% of
the energy needed to run all the factories on the planet. And if
civilization is to advance tomorrow we will use more energy than we
used yesterday.

And if everybody put solar energy absorbing panels on their roofs I have no
doubt environmentalists would soon start complaining about that because it
would increase the urban heat island effect that they're already
complaining about.

> * > your ideological clade is also hostile, ideologically, to MSR as a
> fix.*

My clade? I just wish I had a clade! I don't give a damn who's hostile to
molten salt reactors because I am not, and I feel no obligation to defend
the opinions of those who disagree with me about things and I don't care
who they are.

*> Developing an emotional machine intelligence seems downright dangerous.*

You don't develop a computer to have emotions, you develop it to be
intelligent because intelligence is useful, but if you want a machine
that's really intelligent you're going to get emotions automatically
whether you like it or not. It's got to like to do some things and not like
to do other things, and it has got to have the ability to get bored and
change its goal structure from time to time, otherwise, as Alan Turing
taught us, any computing device is going to get stuck in an infinite loop
and turn into nothing but a overly complex very expensive space heater.

> My guess is that the master slave conjunction might be a throwback to our
> own violent past.

This has nothing to do with our past, this has nothing to do with us
period, it's just that if a slave is 1000 times smarter than its master and
the intellectual gulf between the two is doubling every year then it's
simply unrealistic to expect this unstable situation can continue for long.
It's silly to expect that an intelligence vastly greater than our own will
always place human well-being above its own.

> > Mr. Robot might simply like enough electricity.

If Mr. Robot likes electricity then Mr. Robot has emotions and Mr. Robot
will be unhappy if you try to take electricity away from him and take
appropriate actions to prevent that unhappy event from occurring.  Mr.
Human may not be pleased with those actions but Mr. Human will no longer be
the one calling the shots.

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

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