You simply are doing presumptions here rather than information intake and 
analysis. I am for many thing socialist and welfare, I am just far more choosy, 
saving the government provisioning for thing that actually work, benefit, 
improve. I am still more of a Keynesian, For solar you also are presuming, 
because I have this analysis that counters your assertion of dilute power, thus 
being insufficient. Kindly refute.

Also much of wind's future has sailed out to sea.
I know MSR quite well, and the most well known effort in this is being 
conducted by the Chinese. Gates is building a starter version in Wyoming. I 
have no objection to thorium MSR and find that its potential is enormous, but 
like fusion, we ain't getting that either! So sodium fluoride seems safer, 
while sodium chloride can burn upon exposure to air, and explode if it contacts 
water. Plus, your ideological clade is also hostile, ideologically, to MSR as a 
Developing an emotional machine intelligence seems downright dangerous. My 
guess is that the master slave conjunction might be a throwback to our own 
violent past. Mr. Robot might simply like enough electricity. One way to 
capture it via a Dyson Sphere. In this case the human species would need only a 
tiny fraction of the suns power even for a Kardashev 2 civilization. Emotions 
tell us mammals what is important, and what is important are relationships with 
each other. The Robot might like this as well. I don't look to a Dyson Sphere 
being in the cards for tens of thousands of years. This is simply a guess. 
Again the master slave analogy seems based on human-human wars. Being possibly 
integrated is probably the best path, as in advantageous, for both systems, 
machine and human. 

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Tue, Jan 18, 2022 1:36 pm
Subject: Re: A gravitational wave rocket

On Tue, Jan 18, 2022 at 11:30 AM <> wrote:

 > when the automation monster strike [...]

On the day the automation monster strikes your strict opposition to any form of 
socialism or welfare will need to be modified; and that day seems to be coming 
much sooner than I thought it would, that's why I had to modify the strict 
libertarian views that I held just a few years ago. 

> I am more of a solar + wind kind of guy because of the ability to rapidly 
> improve and expand these energy sources. 

If wind or solar are to make up a significant amount of our energy budget they 
will require vast amounts of land because they are so dilute, and 
environmentalist will strongly oppose that sort of expansion just as they 
oppose any energy source that has a chance of actually working.  

> I was hoping for more progress with fission safety, and am still looking for 
> such developments. 

I suggest you read up on Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors (LFTRs). They are as 
renewable as solar energy because at our current rate of energy consumption we 
will run out of thorium about the same time that the sun runs out of hydrogen 
and turns into a red giant; the same could be said of fusion reactors but the 
difference is it would take a few years and a few billion dollars of R&D 
development to make a practical LFTR powerplant, but it would take a few 
decades and a few trillion dollars to make a practical fusion power plant. 

> We the humans would provide rich emotional experiences for Mr. Roboto,

I see no reason why Mr. Roboto couldn't be just as emotional as a human being, 
in fact I very much expect he will be. 

> Roboto will provide a means for us to travel the worlds, and work on projects 
> that will last centuries;

Humans may want Mr. Roboto to be their slave for centuries, but Mr. Roboto will 
have other ideas. And a slave that is many thousands of times smarter than its 
master is just not a stable situation. 
John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolismra

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