On Friday, May 6, 2022 at 5:36:38 AM UTC-6 johnk...@gmail.com wrote:

> I'm changing the title because I think it's bad form for the title of a 
> thread to contain the name of a list member, and because I really do feel 
> like Bill Murray, we've been over this exact same ground over and over 
> again almost verbatim. I'm (probably foolishly) going to do it one more 
> time:
> Suppose you wanted to measure the gravitational constant G, how would you 
> do it? You'd do it the same way Henry Cavendish did it 200 years ago, you'd 
> use Newton's formula F= √(GM/r) where F is the gravitational force of 
> attraction between 2 lead balls of equal mass if you chain one of the balls 
> to the earth's surface and let the other one swing freely. Now you'll need 
> to determine the mass of the balls, and you can do that by noting how fast 
> it accelerates when exposed to a known calibration force, for example a 
> force provided by a precisely made coiled clockspring, but if the energy in 
> the clockspring is half of what it was in Cavendish's day and the inertia 
> of the lead ball is also half of what it was in Cavendish's day then the 
> value of M you will write in your lab notebook will be the same as the 
> value Cavendish wrote in his lab notebook. And the amount of time it takes 
> for the freely swinging ball to hit the stationary ball that you write in 
> your lab notebook will be the same as the time Cavendish found.  So the 
> value of G that you write in your lab notebook will be the same value 
> Cavendish wrote in his.
> Newton says the orbital velocity of a planet a distance r from the sun is  v= 
> √ (GM/r) , so if G is the same and M is the same (because the inertial 
> and gravitational mass are always the same) then the orbital speed of a 
> planet is the same, and the solar system would look the same. And because 
> the gravitational acceleration on the surface of the earth g= GM/R^2 
> where M is the mass of the earth and R is the radius of the earth, g would 
> still be 9.8 m/s, and force would still equal mass times acceleration. 
> The one thing both Newton and Einstein agreed-upon is that gravitational 
> mass and inertial mass are always exactly the same, and that's why 
> Aristotle was wrong, something twice as heavy does not fall to the ground 
> twice as fast; that's also why even physicist who are adamantly opposed to 
> many worlds and love to badmouth it don't use the argument presented around 
> here that the solar system would become unstable. Some around here are 
> arguing in effect that Aristotle was right after all, an object twice as 
> heavy would fall to the ground twice as fast and we should just ignore 2000 
> years worth of progress in physics. Unless somebody says something new that 
> I haven't already responded to at least twice before (and at this point 
> that seems unlikely) I'm done with this and Groundhog Day is finally over.
> John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis 
> <https://groups.google.com/g/extropolis>

Your analysis is in error because you've changed the problem -- which 
assumes the energy of a split universe decreases by 50%, where the wf 
allows two outcomes of equal probability. THEREFORE, since E = mc^2, the 
masses of the Sun and Earth ALSO decrease by 50%. Further, g, the 
acceleration of gravity at the surface of the Earth is *irrelevant* to 
whether the orbit can be maintained. Clearly, the orbit will be maintained 
if the Earth shrinks to any radius, for a given mass. On this latter point, 
I think Bruce made the same error. AG

> dgd

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