On Fri, Aug 5, 2022 at 9:57 PM <spudboy...@aol.com> wrote:

*> The Afghanistan Withdrawal Fiasco is plain for all to see*

Yes, but for the losing side the last days of a war ALWAYS looks like a
fiasco, and it had been obvious for years that the US was going to lose the
war in Afghanistan, it was just a matter of time. If one didn't care about
the good of the nation or the morality of ordering men to stand in harm's
way for political purposes the smart thing to do would've been for Biden to
do what his predecessors did, simply delay the withdrawal and let the next
president get the flack. But Biden knew this couldn't continue forever and
he had the courage to do it now even though he knew it would look bad and
cost him a lot of votes.

> *I**ts like when Obama needed a boost, CIA was there to show him as a
> patriot when Bin Laden was whacked. This works big with dem voters*

If the nation didn't have the Antidemocratic Party it would've worked well
for all American voters that were not Osama bin Laden fans!

*> For Afghanistan, first, there were no anti-war protests of any memory in
> the US which would validate the progressive-soviet mindset of the
> democrats. Nothing. No Vietnam War. Zip. Nada.*

I have reread the above five times and I'm still unable to figure out what
the hell you're trying to say. I am not fluent in your language and
unfortunately Google translate does not include Spudeze. To clearly written
need you to.

 > *My opinion of Joey has always been, nice guy,*

Well, that's one thing nobody ever accused Donald Trump of.

*> old style democrat. But he kind of sold his soul to the Stalinsts*

Stalinsts? Spud, you really need to find a new bogeyman to blame all your
problems on, as I've said before, now that even China is communist in name
only these days being an anti-Communist is like being an anti-Viking. All
communist states are evil but not all evil states are communist.

* >  Billionaires that now possess the DNC. *

7 Billionaires Have Spent $90 Million to Buy GOP Congress

> *For Obama, I would state that I try not to vote for people who see me as
> the great enemy.*

And you know Obama sees you that way because ignorant fascist bloggers told
you so, and they know how to press your brain bypass button.

*> Dems always focus on personality*

In a way that's true. Unlike the Antidemocratic Party the Democratic Party has
always preferred that the person who has access to the nuclear launch codes
not have a unstable sociopathic personality.  For some reason those silly
Democrats would rather the world not be destroyed.

> * > I never said the world and human affairs are not Darwinian. *

I could sum up my political philosophy with just a few words "do everything
you can to ensure that human society is *NOT* Darwinian". I say that
because I can't think of anything more cruel than Darwinian Evolution.

*> if K. Eric Drexler's nano-manufacture ever was successfully produced,
> (fantasy) one could blather on about socialism, capitalism, but the
> machinery would produce goodies in such abundance and low cost that as
> Engels & Marx *

Yes, and that's why I am no longer the strict libertarian that I once was,
at least not concerning monetary matters.

  John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis



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