On 10/25/2022 3:00 PM, John Clark wrote:
On Tue, Oct 25, 2022 at 5:31 PM Bruce Kellett <bhkellet...@gmail.com> wrote:

    /> One of the main troubles with this is that the Copenhagen
    Interpretation, insofar as there is any such thing, does not
    entail that the wave function collapses when the result enters
    consciousness. This was a mad idea put forward by Wigner, and it
    was soon realized that the idea was just silly, and could never
    work. So that idea has long been abandoned. Deutsch's attempted
    proof involves comparison with an abandoned idea of quantum
    mechanics, so it doesn't really prove anything. Besides, the whole
    set-up involves assumptions about quantum computers and
    consciousness that are far from obvious, and probably not even

OK, so forget about consciousness, the fact remains that If you see interference bands on Deutsch's photographic plate then that would prove a universe can split

No it doesn't.  The would be no evidence that the universe split. Interference implies that the every particle went thru both slits and interfered with itself...not at all surprising once you  adopt quantum field theory in which particles are just field quanta.


and, provided the difference between them is very small, can under the right conditions become identical again and thus merge back together. That is the key part of the multiverse ideaand if it's true then there is no need to indulge in the mumbo-jumbo of Copenhagen quantum complementarity.

So if the experiment was actually performed, what is your guess would happen, what would you place your money on, would there be interference bands on that photographic plate or would there not be?  My guess is that you would see interference bands, I would not bet my life on it or even my house, but I would be willing to bet a week's salary.

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at Extropolis <https://groups.google.com/g/extropolis>

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