I am guessing that the nation state is a sometime thing, driven yes by 
tribalism but also common interests. I have long though that new nations or 
polities will arise in the solar system but also on the high seas. This depends 
of the rapidity of technology, aka engineering. As of now, we have Two 
villains, Putin and Xi starting war as a means to secure their nation states 
and an attempt to do things the old-fashioned wat, via conquest and or 
For VR states, we need look only to Facebook and the decline of Meta after such 
big noise. What hold people together? 
In the US we're barely holding on.
Interesting observations, though. Thx.

-----Original Message-----
From: Joel Ðietz <jdi...@gmail.com>
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com
Sent: Tue, Mar 14, 2023 12:05 pm
Subject: Does rationalism lend itself to nation building?

The nexus of rationalist thinkers has provided some of the most incisive 
writing on proto-nations to date 
(https://astralcodexten.substack.com/p/prospectus-on-prospera), but does this 
school of thought have sufficient method or heft to lend itself to providing 
the fully integrated mental apparatus to use at the foundational stage of 
nation design?
For this, we refer to Balaji's well noted "Network State" which emerged 
recently with the concept "design a state in VR and then push a button to 
deploy," which at least presumably, is backed by sufficient amount of capital 
and a cryptocurrency inspired economic model. 
For what it's worth, on the product side we built at least the prototype for 
the "city design in VR" part, but the relative part of going from concept to a 
working system is often a large gap. This requires among other things, an 
assessment of the would-be settlers, the ostensible rule of law, including 
enforcement mechanisms, and whatever economic model is at play.
Additionally given the perceived lack of available space (at least on a map it 
appears to be occupied by existing nations) there is the game theory of how do 
existing nations review and respond to these micro-nations eager to issue their 
own passports.
I ask this question, in part, because I am thinking of creating some rating 
system for these 'startup societies' that includes factors like their 
technological sophistication and other factors that might correlate with long 
term success. I am, however, at an early enough stage that I have not decided 
which factors to include.
Thus the floor is open for anyone with opinions, ideally with a rationalist 
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