John, I don't believe I have ever heard of Don espouse artificial wombs as I 
have, nor, did the other Rich Man, Murdoch indicate this? I think for myself, 
and what I observed during Trumps' tour of duty was that the land seemed better 
off. No open borders (catch and release) lower inflation. He didn't trust the 
feckless Germans, with their love affair with Putin's nat gas, and no 
Afghanistan withdrawal. 
What about the Wuhan  flu, obviously percolated in a Chinese lab? Accidentally 
released before it was ready to infect Hong Kong or India, I think? But during 
2021,  you zapped me for advocating treatments, and not just vax shots alone, 
which you homed in on? We both coulda' been money-sweeter had we followed my 
own advice! Because Pfizer has made a ton of cash with Paxlovid(tm). It would 
be like me lecturing you about "No need for MSR Th232/u233 power sources John, 
because in a few years, we'll have Fusion in every gas station!!!" 
13 Things To Know About Paxlovid, the Latest COVID-19 Pill > News > Yale 

You are loyal to your Party and that is commendable for me, however, I don't 
see Joey returning the favor to the Dem rank and file, which I used to be part 
of (shame on me!)? I do like his (Joey's) Inflation Reduction Act because it 
buys us time to get the SUV's and EV's running and the sun-wind, 
infrastructure, because its quicker and cheaper than anything else! Fast! 
You do know to your own grumpiness, that the Greens (Democrat Voters) oppose 
anything nuclear? I don't, and I, after looking at some physics papers suspect 
that fission is the answer that we all need as a species, until fusion arrives, 
or deep rock geothermal gets proven, or not? 
Where does this all leave us as a nation-state? Well, for me I see technology 
as the BIG THING to help us survive as a nation-state and as a species. 
But, we are the serfs and the very wealthy fund what passes now, for the USA. 

    On Sunday, June 18, 2023 at 05:40:58 PM EDT, John Clark 
<> wrote:  

On Sun, Jun 18, 2023 at 5:06 PM '' via Everything List 
<> wrote:

> Joey takes bribes, using Hunter as bag man.

As I said, if Donald Trump or Rupert Murdoch says something then Mr. Spudboy 
says it. Monkey see monkey do. They know exactly what buttons to press  o get 
you to dance to their tune.

   John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolisybq

 Convicted rapist Donald J Trump has now been indicted for a second time for 
committing felonies. The first time it was by a state court for misusing 
campaign funds by paying a porn star not to tell the world that Trump's penis 
looked like "a little mushroom" just before the election. And the second time 
it was by a federal court for violations of the espionage act, willful 
retention of documents, and conspiracy to obstruct justice. And I wouldn't be a 
bit surprised if in a few months Trump is indicted again, this time in Georgia 
for interfering with the 2020 election. I remember back in 2016 in addition to 
chanting "I will build a wall and make Mexico pay for it" Trump loved to chant 
"lock her up"; there is an obvious analogy that Biden could now chant, but I am 
sure he has too much class to do so. Oh well, at least we don't have to face 
the horrors of Hillary Clinton's email server.

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