After some experimentation with my other laptopo (also a dual-boot with
windows and ubuntu), I have realized that the "window_maximized" entry key
DOES work as expected and what was confusing to me is the bug I mentioned.
The window is actually "maximized", but it's not properly located.

It is a bug, as far as I can tell, because it is observed in both of my
machines, under Windows 7.

It seems to affect only documents that have not been opened before, i.e.
it seems to affect the "last-used-value."

The problem seems to be that, after loading a pdf document, the window_x
and window_y are overwritten with wrong data.

The bug is reproducible every time on 2 different machines.

Here are the steps to reproduce the problem. I set my ev-metadata.xml as
follows, say:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <document uri="last-used-value" atime="1349337773">
      <entry key="window_x" type="gchararray" value="0"/>
      <entry key="window_y" type="gchararray" value="22"/>
      <entry key="window_height" type="gchararray" value="716"/>
      <entry key="page" type="gchararray" value="1"/>
        <entry key="show_toolbar" type="gchararray" value="0"/>
      <entry key="sidebar_page" type="gchararray" value="thumbnails"/>
        <entry key="sidebar_visibility" type="gchararray" value="0"/>
      <entry key="window_width" type="gchararray" value="1366"/>
      <entry key="window_maximized" type="gchararray" value="1"/>
      <entry key="sizing_mode" type="gchararray" value="fit-width"/>
      <entry key="continuous" type="gchararray" value="1"/> 
      <entry key="zoom" type="gchararray" value="1.1606315531651721"/>      
      <entry key="dual-page" type="gchararray" value="1"/>
      <entry key="presentation" type="gchararray" value="0"/>

I open a pdf, then go back into the xml file and this is what I have:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <document uri="last-used-value" atime="1349338931">
      <entry key="window_x" type="gchararray" value="83"/>
      <entry key="window_y" type="gchararray" value="105"/>
      <entry key="continuous" type="gchararray" value="1"/>
      <entry key="sidebar_visibility" type="gchararray" value="0"/>
      <entry key="window_height" type="gchararray" value="716"/>
      <entry key="page" type="gchararray" value="0"/>
      <entry key="sidebar_page" type="gchararray" value="thumbnails"/>
      <entry key="window_width" type="gchararray" value="1366"/>
      <entry key="show_toolbar" type="gchararray" value="0"/>
      <entry key="window_maximized" type="gchararray" value="0"/>
      <entry key="sizing_mode" type="gchararray" value="fit-width"/>
      <entry key="zoom" type="gchararray" value="1.1606315531651721"/>
      <entry key="dual-page" type="gchararray" value="1"/>
      <entry key="presentation" type="gchararray" value="0"/>
    <document uri="file:///C:/[DELETED].pdf" atime="1349338931">
      <entry key="sidebar_page" type="gchararray" value="thumbnails"/>
      <entry key="window_maximized" type="gchararray" value="0"/>
      <entry key="page" type="gchararray" value="0"/>
      <entry key="window_x" type="gchararray" value="83"/>
      <entry key="window_y" type="gchararray" value="105"/>
      <entry key="window_width" type="gchararray" value="1366"/>
      <entry key="window_height" type="gchararray" value="716"/>

An aside, to the developers of the Windows installer: I wanted to install
Evince in the C:\Program Files\Evince\ directory, but the Windows
installer did not allow me to do that: it either selects a weird default
(somewhere inside C:\Users\ but not easy to find) or, if the advanced tab
is selected during installation, it places it into the C:\Program Files
(x86)\ directory even if I asked it to place it into the C:\Program Files\
directory. I tried with and without an existing (empty) Evince directory
in C:\Program Files\. I made several attempts, Evince always ended up in
C:\Program Files (x86).
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