On Sat, 2009-09-26 at 14:22 -0400, Suman Manjunath wrote:
> On Sat, 2009-09-26 at 11:37 -0400, Matthew Barnes wrote:
> > On Sat, 2009-09-26 at 15:21 +0200, Butrus Damaskus wrote:
> > > New version of iCalendar was accepted as RFC 5545 (see eg.
> > > http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5545.txt). Does this mean something
> > > for evolution development? :-o
> > 
> > Looks like it's basically just errata from RFC 2445 (see page 166).  I'm
> > sure the corrections can be implemented or verified pretty easily.  The
> > burden may fall on the Free Association project as much as if not more
> > so than on us.
> Wondering why it is an entirely new RFC for a bunch (11 to be precise)
> of errata. It could easily have been RFC 2445 spec 2 or something
> similar. 

That's the standard process for updating RFCs.  You'll notice that it's
been done the same way for RFC822 -> 2822 and for DAV RFC2518 -> 4918,

The last two digits of the original RFC number are maintained for
mnemonic reasons during the process, too.


http://andrew.mcmillan.net.nz/                     Porirua, New Zealand
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                Necessity is the mother of documentation

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