On Wed, Jun 13, 2001 at 07:30:59PM -0400, thus said Sam Creasey:

> I came across this while looking for a starting point to adding a toggle
> option into the View pull-down to eliminate the mail_display pane from
> the standard folder browser (e.g. to get a full screen of index, and
> have to open messages...  a.k.a. "look, now you don't have to fetch
> every article from the news server twice!").  

Wow, thanks for hacking on this. Can you also make it toggle the message
display back on if one presses enter on a message? This is the feature I
miss most from Mutt after switching to Evolution.

(yes, I sent *this* mail from mutt since my evo install refuses to work at
the moment.. :)



.--->  [EMAIL PROTECTED]        .    |\,/|          [EMAIL PROTECTED]  <-----.
+---->  www.ximian.com         -  ()-@@  ,           tigert.gimp.org  <----+
`----->  art director           ,  `--')/               a gimp artist  <---'

evolution-hackers maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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