On Mon, 2013-08-26 at 22:33 +0200, Mark Elkins wrote:
> Remember, (1) download, (2) unpackage (tar -xvzf package.tgz)
> (around here - explore what you have just unpacked, read the README's
> and other files like INSTALL.... and look for 'configure'.
> (3) ./configure (with options), (4) make, (5) make install.

This isn't a good hint for those who are on distros that use a package

For Suse and Debian/Ubuntu at least a make install should be replaced by
a checkinstall. For Debian there are different other ways to build a
package than using checkinstall, e.g. the "take a package and replace
it's source by a newer version, edit changelog and rules and then run
libtoolize --force --copy --automake, aclocal, autoreconf, debuild -b
-us -uc" way.

However, not all software can be compiled by the

>From all the ways to compile software and to build binary packages I
prefer Arch's PKGBUILDs.

> Third Party folk

Real issues with third party packages are, that they easily can conflict
with libs from official repositories, especially for those distros who
do this disgusting split of stuff, that isn't split by upstream, e.g.
Suse and Debian/Ubuntu do it in a very odd way, by split what later is
in bin and lib, but that belongs to each other.

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