On Wed, 2020-04-15 at 18:54 +0200, Alexander Kerner wrote:
> * Version is 3.34.1-2.

good, that's not that old version.

> * The archive folder and the source folder (subfolder of Inbox) are
> both on the same IMAP server.

Fine. It means that the message is either copied & deleted or straight
moved to the other folder, depending whether the server supports the
MOVE extension.

Is the message stored both in the archive folder and in the source
folder after it re-appears, or it's not in the archive folder at all?
Some servers (notably Gmail) have pretty aggressive "de-duplication",
based on the Message-ID header, not allowing to store the same message
(well, not really the same, just two messages with the same Message-ID)
in two folders, though I doubt it has any impact here.

You can see what is happening in the background when you run Evolution
from a terminal like this:

   $ CAMEL_DEBUG=imapx:io evolution

It'll print raw communication between the server and the client for all
your IMAP accounts. It's not suitable to be shared in public, due to it
containing a lot of private information, but you can check whether the
message had been copied to the archive folder by searching for the
archive folder name in the log (or for UID COPY/UID MOVE, which should
mention the archive folder name). You can also add "UID" column into
the message list [1] and check whether the UID of the message changed
or not. You can search the captured log for the UID to see what had
been done with it (if I recall correctly, multiple folders can have the
same UID, thus it can be tricky). The log itself can be confusing, I
just mention it as a way to see what is done in the background, between
the Evolution and the server.

[1] See "Sorting Mail with Column Headers" at

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