On Thu, 2003-01-02 at 16:44, guenther wrote:
> cheers();
> > mozilla.org packages typically stash shared libraries needed by
> > Evolution into unusual directories.  Noting from another mail that you'd
> > installed mozilla 1.2.1 from mozilla.org, I'm willing to bet that's the
> > source of the problem.  Mozilla packages from Ximian and from most Linux
> > vendors put those libraries in more standard locations; hence, you
> > probably didn't need that environment variable before.
> Sorry Mark, I really don't get that. What's the point with mozilla
> packages from mozilla.org? Do they really share libraries? Especially
> Gnome related ones?
> I am running Mandrake 9.0, no mozilla RPMs from Mandrake though, only
> mozilla 1.2.1 from mozilla.org. Everything really runs smoothly here,
> including gnome-moz-remote. (After i put mozilla in the path, for sure.)
> Would really wanna know, if I missed something here...
> ...guenther

Evolution uses some of mozilla's shared libraries (more specifically,
mozilla-nspr's libraries).  Ximian and various Linux vendors typically
put these in /usr/lib.  mozilla.org has been putting them in
/usr/lib/mozilla-<version>, which will break Evolution unless the
directory in question is in either /etc/ld.so.conf or $LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

At least, I *think* that's the problem everyone is talking about...

-Mark Gordon

evolution maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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