On Fri, 14 Jun 2019, Uwe Brauer wrote:

On Fri, 14 Jun 2019, Uwe Brauer wrote:

Ok. With Mercurial (and even more so, Evolve) you should try to stay
as current as possible. There's no reason not to. And Evolve in
particular is still changing quite fast.

The problem is I use quite a bit of external extensions, for example

   1. Artemis for local issues.

   2. All dirs for running commands on various repos at the same time,
      without using subrepos,

   3. the changelog extension and of course

   4. hg-git

It seems that all are compatible with 5.0, the only thing which makes me
doubt is that I don't like the fact that hg-stable does not provide a
uninstall option, so I prefer to have a debian package. I could try to
use checkinstall though.

It's fairly easy to obtain a Debian package for Mercurial. In many cases, the Debian package from unstable will install on testing or stable. And if not, it's trivial to rebuild it. It's also quite easy to adapt the existing Debian packaging for new releases, in cases where it's not already been packaged.

Also, Mercurial itself has the `make deb` command, but I have not used that.

What distribution are you using?

Regards, Faheem Mitha

I have to think about it.

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