...and keep in mind that the "multiple copies" issue may not be as
severe as it seems, at first blush.  You do have SIS, after all, so as
long as they're not changing it and sticking it back in the store, it's
somewhat mitigated.

Having said that, one of the banes of my existence is people who think
their mailbox is a file repository.  Now, where did I leave that copy of
Elf Bowling from Christmas 1999...?

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Posted At: Monday, August 27, 2001 8:32 AM
Posted To: MSExchange Mailing List
Conversation: Attaching Files as Shortcuts
Subject: RE: Attaching Files as Shortcuts

Hi Byron, 

Thank you for your reply. I appreciate the help.


> Hey Mike,
> I actually think you pose a very valid question and think this
> would be useful for users (and is not a behavioral issue - though
there are
> many out there :)). However, Exchange/Outlook doesn't offer this
> out_of_the_box so like someone mentioned earlier you should check into
> writing or hiring someone to write some code for you or look into
> third-party tools.  Fundamentally, you're wanting a automated tool for
> File: command. I'm sure there are resources on the slipstick site or
> Exchange/Outlook mag archives that may help you out.  Also check
> www.cdolive.com  I looked at this years back and got sick of fooling
> the forms in Outlook. It's just not that interesting to me. I also
looked at
> a product called keyflow at one time.
> Really what you're looking for is single storage for your data and
> makes sense.  You may find that merging all the data into a workflow
> document/knowledge management system provides you other interface
> that just haven't come to mind yet. 
> Good luck.
> Byron
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, August 24, 2001 2:41 PM
> To: Exchange Discussions
> Subject: RE: Attaching Files as Shortcuts
> > It's not a simple question.  Yes, there's probably a registry key
for it,
> > but I wouldn't recomend it.
> Why would you not reccomend it? 99% of the files flyig back and forth
> all sent to local addresses who all have access to the same servers.
> now we are creating multiple copies of files already stored on a
> server. I would think this would be the reason for the shortcut
> functionality?
> > if you want a workflow application, purchase or create one.
> don't
> > do that so good.
> I am not trying to have exchange manage workflow or documents, I
> want to eliminate the multiple copies of files we already have stored
on a
> file server. Having our users go through the steps of creating a
> to the file attachment would work fine, however I just wanted to make
> easier by making it the default.

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